Rappahannock News

Bagpipes for a soldier and friend


For 25 years, Rappahanno­ck County has been blessed by the presence of a modest gentleman whose service embodies the very essence of the volunteer spirit. That man is Preston Angell. Preston has been a welcome presence for the Washington Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad in many capacities: firefighte­r, first responder and ambulance driver among them.

As a Life Member of WVF&R, Preston has served as secretary and has contribute­d to countless fire department functions over many years, lending a hand wherever and whenever he saw the need. Preston has handled the task of scheduling and coordinati­ng public reservatio­ns of the fire hall and he personally updates the road sign on Warren Avenue that alerts the public to fire department events.

Preston has also been a much valued friend to the Washington Ladies Auxiliary which runs the Fire House Treasures Thrift Shop. He volunteere­d his labor to singlehand­edly build their desperatel­y needed storage shed. For six years, three days per week in the early morning hours, Preston arrived to turn on the propane heaters or the small air conditione­rs in the two sheds occupied by the thrift before the new building was completed. Every work day, he also faithfully put out the thrift shop’s sign and flag and brought them in at the close of business. The permanent thrift shop sign on Warren Avenue is yet another example of Preston’s handiwork.

You have probably also seen Preston if you frequent the Rappahanno­ck County Library. For more than 20 years, Preston has served as the Wednesday evening volunteer. His kindness, grace, (and sweet tooth) have endeared him to the library staff, and he will be deeply missed.

It is Preston’s quiet civic activism, his willingnes­s to contribute in innumerabl­e ways wherever he sees a need that makes him such a precious asset to Rappahanno­ck County. Now, anticipati­ng a genuine retirement, Preston has begun the process of relocating to Winchester. Thankfully, he has promised to come back and visit us often. We wish him the very best in his new home. Winchester is gaining a man we all admire, a volunteer, friend, neighbor and exemplary citizen. ANN L. SPIEKER, chief, Washington Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad MARY V. COLLINS, president, Washington Ladies Auxiliary DAVID SHAFFER, director, Rappahanno­ck County Library

 ?? BY HEIDI MAEYER ?? An “honorable and beautiful service for this soldier, planner, farmer,” observed close friend and neighbor Heidi Maeyer, who with numerous other mourners attended Sunday’s funeral for Richard “Dick” McNear at his family’s beloved Greenwood farm in Gid...
BY HEIDI MAEYER An “honorable and beautiful service for this soldier, planner, farmer,” observed close friend and neighbor Heidi Maeyer, who with numerous other mourners attended Sunday’s funeral for Richard “Dick” McNear at his family’s beloved Greenwood farm in Gid...

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