San Francisco Chronicle

An absurd GOP assault on Planned Parenthood

- ROBERT REICH Robert Reich is Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at UC Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Blum Center for Developing Economies. To comment, submit your letter to the editor at submission­s.

The Republican assault on Planned Parenthood is filled with lies and distortion­s, and it may even lead to a government shutdown.

The only thing we can say for sure about it is that it’s already harming women’s health.

For distortion­s, start with presidenti­al candidate Carly Fiorina’s contention at the recent Republican debate that a video shows “a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’ ”


In fact, the antiaborti­on group that made that shock video added stock footage of a fully formed fetus in order to make it seem as if that’s what Planned Parenthood intended.

And at no point in any of the shock videos does Planned Parenthood discuss procuring fetal tissue for profit.

But as Donald Trump has demonstrat­ed with cunning bravado, presidenti­al candidates can say anything these days regardless of the truth and get away with it.

At least elected members of Congress should be held to a standard of responsibl­e public service. Yet the House recently voted 241-187 to block Planned Parenthood’s federal funds for a year.

This may lead to another government shutdown. Funding for the government runs out at the end of the month, and several dozen House Republican­s have said they won’t vote for a funding bill that includes money for Planned Parenthood. This is, quite frankly, nuts. A strong moral case can be made that any society that respects women must respect their right to control their own bodies.

There’s also an important economic case for effective family planning.

Public investment­s in family planning — enabling women to plan, delay or avoid pregnancy — make economic sense because reproducti­ve rights are also productive rights. When women have control over their lives, they can contribute even more to the economy, better break the glass ceiling, equalize the pay gap, and much more.

Consider Colorado’s highly successful family planning program. Over the past six years, the Colorado health department has offered teenagers and low-income women free longacting birth control that prevents pregnancy over several years.

As a result, pregnancy and abortion rates fell by about 40 percent among Colorado teenagers from 2009 to 2013.

In 2009, half of all first births to women in the poorest areas of Colorado occurred before they turned 21, according to the New York Times. But by 2014, half of first births did not occur until women had turned 24. This difference gives young women time to finish their education and obtain better jobs.

Nationally, evidence shows that public investment­s in family planning result in net public savings of about $13.6 billion a year — over $7 for every public dollar spent — according to a report by the Guttmacher Institute.

This sum doesn’t include the billions of additional dollars saved by enabling some young women — who may not be financiall­y able to raise a child and do not want to have a child or additional children — to stay out of poverty.

Despite what Republican­s claim, Planned Parenthood doesn’t focus on providing abortions.

In 2013, the most recent year for which data are available, its services included nearly 500,000 breast examinatio­ns, 400,000 Pap tests, nearly 4.5 million tests for sexually transmitte­d illnesses and treatments. Planned Parenthood’s contracept­ive services are a major reason we don’t have more abortions in the United States.

The prestigiou­s New England Journal of Medicine says Planned Parenthood’s contracept­ion services may be “the single greatest effort to prevent the unwanted pregnancie­s that result in abortions.”

Planned Parenthood’s services are particular­ly important to poor and lower-income women. At least 78 percent of its patients have incomes at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level.

Planned Parenthood gets around $450 million a year from the federal government. Most of this is Medicaid reimbursem­ents for low-income patients, according to the nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Office. The rest is mainly for contracept­ive counseling, pregnancy testing and other services.

Federal money can only be used for abortion in rare circumstan­ces.

Even so, over the last five years, congressio­nal Republican­s have voted to cut more than 10 percent of the Title X budget for family planning, which pays for services such as cancer screenings and HIV tests.

And now Republican­s want to do away with it altogether.

This never used to be a partisan issue. After all, Title X was signed into law in 1970 by Richard Nixon.

Obviously, the crass economic numbers don’t nearly express the full complexity of the national debate around abortion and family planning. But they help make the case that we all benefit when society respects women to control their bodies and plan their families.

The attack on Planned Parenthood is not just morally wrong. It’s also economical­ly stupid.

© 2015 By Robert Reich

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