San Francisco Chronicle

Limit gun ownership


Ban all weapons of war. I tried to wait (after Las Vegas) until it wasn’t “too soon,” but here we are again. I believe that the same theory that bans rocketprop­elled grenades and 50-caliber machine guns should be applied to all semiautoma­tic weapons. Civilian gun ownership should be limited to revolvers, shotguns and bolt-action rifles. That would still allow sufficient firepower to satisfy gun owners’ need to defend themselves against similarly armed attackers as well as their ostensibly primary uses: to commit suicide, harm family members, commit crimes and kill animals in a “sporting” manner. If they worry that isn’t sufficient to protect them from the “gummint” coming to take their guns, they probably are so mentally impaired that they shouldn’t be armed in the first place. If you need to satisfy some psychologi­cal need to fire automatic weapons, go to a licensed facility, rent the weapons and fire them on the premises. Does that overcome all the objections that we usually hear? Nick Garvey, Oakland

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