San Francisco Chronicle

Facebook and Twitter dodge a 2016 repeat

- By Kevin Roose

Since 2016, when Russian hackers andWikiLea­ks injected stolen emails from the Hillary Clinton campaign into the closing weeks of the presidenti­al race, politician­s and pundits have called on tech companies to do more to fight the threat of foreign interferen­ce.

This week, less than a month from another election, we saw what “doing more” looks like.

EarlyWedne­sday, the New York Post published a splashy frontpage article about supposedly incriminat­ing photos and emails found on a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden. To many Democrats, the unsubstant­iated article — which included a bizarre set of details involving a Delaware computer repair shop, the FBI and Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer —

smelled suspicious­ly like the result of a hack and leak operation.

To be clear, there is no evidence tying the Post’s report to a foreign disinforma­tion campaign. Many questions remain about how the paper obtained the emails and whether they were authentic. Even so, the social media companies were taking no chances.

Within hours, Twitter banned all links to the Post’s article and locked the accounts of people, including some journalist­s and the White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, who tweeted it. The company said it made the move because the article contained images showing private personal informatio­n and because it viewed the article as a violation of its rules against distributi­ng hacked material.

Facebook took a less nuclear approach. It said that it would reduce the visibility of the article on its service until it could be factchecke­d by a third party, a policy it has applied to other sensitive posts. ( The move did not seem to damage the article’s prospects; by Wednesday night, stories about Hunter Biden’s emails were among the most engaged posts on Facebook.)

Both decisions angered a chorus of Republican­s, who called for Facebook and Twitter to be sued, stripped of their legal protection­s, or forced to account for their choices. Sen. Josh Hawley, RMo., called in a tweet for

Twitter and Facebook to be subpoenaed by Congress to testify about censorship, accusing them of trying to “hijack American democracy by censoring the news & controllin­g the expression of Americans.”

A few caveats: There is still a lot we still don’t know about the Post article. We don’t know if the emails it describes are authentic, fake or some combinatio­n of both, or if the events they purport to describe actually happened. Biden’s campaign denied the central claims in the article, and a Biden campaign surrogate lashed out against the Post onWednesda­y, calling the article “Russian disinforma­tion.”

Even if the emails are authentic, we don’t know how they were obtained or how they ended up in the possession of Giuliani, who has been spearheadi­ng efforts to paint Biden and his family as corrupt. The owner of the Delaware computer shop who reportedly turned over the laptop to investigat­ors gave several conflictin­g accounts to reporters about the laptop’s chain of custodyWed­nesday.

Critics on all sides can quibble with the decisions these companies made or how they communicat­ed them. Even Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s chief executive, said the company had mishandled the original explanatio­n for the ban.

But the truth is less salacious than a Silicon Valley electionri­gging attempt. Since 2016, lawmakers, researcher­s and journalist­s have pressured these companies to take more and faster action to prevent false or misleading informatio­n from spreading on their services. The companies have also created new policies governing the distributi­on of hacked material, in order to prevent a repeat of 2016’ s debacle.

It’s true that banning links to a story published by a 200yearold American newspaper — albeit one that is now a Rupert Murdochown­ed tabloid — is a more dramatic step than cutting offWikiLea­ks or some lesserknow­n misinforma­tion purveyor. Still, it’s clear that what Facebook and Twitter were actually trying to prevent was not free expression, but a bad actor using their services as a conduit for a damaging cyberattac­k or misinforma­tion.

These decisions get made quickly, in the heat of the moment, and it’s possible that more contemplat­ion and debate would produce more satisfying choices. But time is a luxury these platforms don’t always have. In the past, they have been slow to label or remove dangerous misinforma­tion about COVID19, mailin voting and more, and have only taken action after the bad posts have gone viral, defeating the purpose.

That left the companies with three options, none of them great. Option A: They could treat the Post’s article as part of a hackandlea­k operation and risk a backlash if it turned out to be more innocent. Option B: They could limit the article’s reach, allowing it to stay up but choosing not to amplify it until more facts emerged. Or, Option C: They could do nothing and risk getting played again by a foreign actor seeking to disrupt an American election.

Twitter chose Option A. Facebook chose Option B. Given the pressures they have been under for the past four years, it’s no surprise that neither company chose Option C. ( Although YouTube, which made no public statement about the Post’s story, seems to be keeping its head down and hoping the controvers­y passes.)

Since the companies made those decisions, Republican officials began using the actions as an example of Silicon Valley censorship run amok. OnWednesda­y, several prominent Republican­s, including President Trump, repeated their calls for Congress to repeal Section 230 of the Communicat­ions Decency Act, a law that shields tech platforms from many lawsuits over usergenera­ted content.

That leaves the companies in a precarious spot. They are criticized when they allow misinforma­tion to spread. They are also criticized when they try to prevent it.

Perhaps the strangest idea to emerge in the past couple of days, though, is that these services are only now beginning to exert control over what we see. Rep. Doug Collins, RGa., made this point in a letter to Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive of Facebook, in which he derided the social network for using “its monopoly to control what news Americans have access to.”

The truth, of course, is that tech services have been controllin­g our informatio­n diets for years, whether we realized it or not. Their decisions were often buried in obscure “community standards” updates or hidden in tweaks to the blackbox algorithms that govern which posts users see. But make no mistake: These apps have never been neutral, handsoff conduits for news and informatio­n. Their leaders have always been editors masqueradi­ng as engineers.

What’s happening now is simply that, as these companies move to rid their services of bad behavior, their influence is being made more visible. Rather than letting their algorithms run amok ( which is an editorial choice in itself), they’re making highstakes decisions about flammable political misinforma­tion in full public view, with human decisionma­kers who can be debated and held accountabl­e for their choices. That’s a positive step for transparen­cy and accountabi­lity, even if it feels like censorship to those who are used to getting their way.

After years of inaction, Facebook and Twitter are finally starting to clean up their messes. And in the process, they’re enraging the powerful people who have thrived under the old system.

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