Santa Fe New Mexican

Dignity for all — that is democracy


The dictionary suggests that patriotism is “the love or devotion to one’s country.” We are bearing witness today to a president who has promoted himself and his interests above the oath of office he took, and above the interests of the country. He has also demanded from those who work for him a loyalty to himself above and beyond the interests of this country.

Will the polarizati­on that divides the country ever heal? Will the public’s loss of confidence in all the sections of our democracy ever be restored? Will the seemingly insolvable problems of health care, big pharma, criminal justice, public education and immigratio­n ever find workable answers? And most basic of all — can we find a way to bequeath to those generation­s who succeed us a restoratio­n of a sense of renewed patriotism?

Paul Lazarus Santa Fe

Guiding our children

The parental advice columnist John Rosemond is guilty of repeated and ongoing child-rearing malpractic­e. His recent column on suicide (“Child’s thoughts of suicide? Help deflect them,” Living With Children, July 7), telling children they are cowardly if they choose that way out, may be the cause of future tragedies.

Most Sundays, he tells parents to bully their children, to be “the alpha,” to never speak to them with respect as a fellow human being (“Convey your authority with alpha speech,” Living With Children, Aug. 11). For him, it’s a power game.

Children are fully formed individual­s with human needs, understand­able wants and a thirst for learning. We can guide them to make good choices through patience and love. Treating them like dogs to be trained is just wrong. I hope The New Mexican can find a reputable expert with a modern understand­ing of children to fill Rosemond’s space.

Randy Barron Tecolote

Behind the tariffs

I will admit that the workings of Wall Street are a mystery to me, but a stockbroke­r once told me that the golden rule of the stock market is to “buy low and sell high.” When Donald Trump announced he would impose tariffs on Chinese imports, he said that a trade war would be good for the economy, but I had my doubts. It was not until I learned about the recent plunge on Wall Street due to the tariffs that I began to connect the dots.

Speculator­s could be taking advantage of this situation by purchasing stock in companies dealing with China now that they are low; and when the tariffs are lifted, the value of the stocks will rise and the speculator­s will make a profit. It made me wonder whether Trump is one of these speculator­s. That may partly explain why he has refused to release his tax returns.

G. Gideon Rojas Santa Fe

Keep campus educationa­l

I have lived in the Casa Alegre neighborho­od for 51 years. When my wife and I moved in, the view to the south was Army barracks, which was then the College of Santa Fe. Since then, new buildings have been built.

Since my wife and I moved in, a low-income housing unit was built a couple of streets away. Life Link, a behavioral health program, was built at the beginning of my street. La Luz Family Services was also built on my street; and on the next street, a counseling center for people in trouble. Pete’s Place, the city’s homeless shelter, is just up the street. But not a peep out of me. I have not complained.

Now there is the vacant college campus. I am vehemently opposed to using it as low-income housing. The area in question has been an educationa­l center for most of my life. It was built for that purpose. How about a branch of the community college here?

Felipe J. Roibal Santa Fe

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