Siloam Springs Herald Leader

Ask the experts about early cancer detection

- By Siloam Springs Regional Hospital

When we think of cancer prevention, we typically think of those we hear the most about, such as breast cancer or lung cancer. One of the most common cancers is actually colon cancer: cancer of the large intestine and lower part of the digestive system. It is the third most common cancer and the secondlead­ing cause of cancer death in the U.S. — and early detection dramatical­ly increases the survival rate.

More than 145,000 new cases of colon cancer have been diagnosed in the U.S. over the past five years, according to the National Cancer Institute. If detected before it spreads, the five-year survival rate is about 90 percent — but if not caught before this point, the survival rate dips to just 10 percent. It’s estimated that as many as 60 percent of colon cancer deaths could be prevented if all men and women ages 50 and older received routine colonoscop­y screenings.

One of the most important preventive steps is to get a colonoscop­y, a screening test to detect any signs of cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends a routine colonoscop­y screening for all adult men and women beginning at age 50, or earlier, if you have specific risk factors. Your doctor can provide guidance about the right time to begin and the frequency of testing, but industry guidelines suggest that a repeat screening be conducted every 10 years for adults with normal risk.

Depending on your age, a colonoscop­y screening may be a covered as a “wellness” test under your insurance plan — and most plans cover a colonoscop­y completely as a follow-up test or diagnostic tool. Check with your insurance provider and your provider’s office for help in scheduling a screening exam.

The community is invited to attend an extra special summer medical seminar called “Ask the Experts: Screenings that could save your life.” This free event provides the opportunit­y to talk directly with specialist­s about early colon cancer detection and other necessary tests that promote overall wellness. Drs. George Benjamin, Jack Alston and Patrick Schiefelbe­in will all be available for a roundtable discussion focusing on the importance of early disease detection through regular tests and screening procedures. Listen to patient testimonia­ls to eliminate fear and hear colorectal cancer survivors share their stories on July 27 at noon in Classroom 1 of Siloam Springs Regional Hospital. Lunch will be provided. Call 479-2153124 to reserve your seat.

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