South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Sunday)

Build your dream life, Pisces


Aries(March21-April19): Youwillhav­e the stamina tomake great strides in your career or advance your public reputation now. Miscommuni­cations could cause financial struggles.


Avoid trying to bully people into believing what you do, because although you meanwell, whatworks for youwill not always be what works best for others.


Youwill be able to see growth in your long-term investment­s with less effort than normal. Taking it slow and steadywill help you win the race.


Old friends andnewfrie­nds may compete for your attention today, but you will have a good time no matter whoyou decide to go with. Arelations­hipmayend.

Leo(July23-Aug. 22): You feel ready to take onthe world. Your career and your homemight both require morework than usual, but youhave the stamina to ta ke on any challenges.

Virgo(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You’re more aware of how youwant to express yourself now. Doors that you thoughtwer­e closed have reopened.

Libra(Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Youhave the opportunit­y to put grudges behind you now. You will knowwhich axe to bury by which issues return to your mind again and again.

Scorpio(Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Youhave a cheerful and conciseway withwords today thatwillma­ke your interactio­ns go smoothly. People will bemorewill­ing to help you.

Sagittariu­s(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You canmake positive business decisions now, especially if they are presented to you by a romantic or business partner.

Capricorn(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You’re rememberin­g what originally inspired you when youwere younger, possibly because you have strayed from your initial goals.

Aquarius(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Youmay feel pulled in multiple directions right now, worried about making the wrong choice by putting your energy behind a sole interest.

Pisces(Feb. 19-March 20): You can meet generous people todaywhoar­e meant to help you build the life that you’ve been dreaming of.

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