South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Sunday)



I can’t thank you enough for your investigat­ive report on the secrecy of the DeSantis administra­tion about COVID-19. It is even worse than I imagined.

What continues to makeme crazy is the denial of science. Facts are facts. We can disagree on what to do, but science should guide us. Searching for physicians who agree with your political leanings is ridiculous and has resulted in the swift spread of the infection and unnecessar­y death and suffering. Most infectious disease specialist­s think wearing masks will slow the spread of this highly contagious disease, but if or howto enforce maskwearin­g is up for policy debate.

Unfortunat­ely, the assault on science has been ongoing for decades, eroding the public trust and knowledge base. Think back to the states with religious conservati­ves in control, and howthey forced educators to put in writing in textbooks that evolution is merely a theory and that the biblical interpreta­tion had to be taught too. Boca Raton had a principal who didn’t feel he could state that the Holocaust actually happened, and his school is located in an area with a high number of Holocaust survivors.

I think there aremany other challenges to scientific knowledge, whichwould be a terrific area of investigat­ion for you and your colleagues.

Janet Fiber, Delray Beach

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