Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

What tax changes are needed most?

Tax the wealthy to promote more innovation, not for redistribu­tion

- Joseph Kennedy is a senior fellow with the Informatio­n Technology and Innovation Foundation and former chief economist for the U.S. Department of Commerce. BY JOSEPH KENNEDY

President Obama’s proposed budget put forward a number of changes to individual tax rates, largely focused on raising taxes on the wealthy and lowering taxes on everyone else. But if the Republican agenda of supply side economicsb­ased tax cuts for the rich is misguided, so, too, is the Democratic agenda of using the tax code to boost middle-class, aftertax incomes.

Unfortunat­ely, the president’s proposals would do little to address the fundamenta­l problem of competitiv­eness that is behind the stagnation in middle-class incomes. Instead of simply redistribu­ting wealth — which will have limited impact on economic growth — higher taxes on the rich should be used to pay for lower corporate tax rates, enhanced funding for research, developmen­t and infrastruc­ture and other programs that have a direct impact on growth.

The president’s proposal to raise the individual tax on capital gains and dividends from 20 percent to a new combined rate of 31.8 percent is not, as many conservati­ves complain, the wrong policy simply because it is a tax increase. This change in itself would cause little economic harm because modestly higher taxes on personal income have a very limited negative effect on investment and growth. Specifical­ly, changes in capital-gains taxes appear to affect mainly the timing of asset sales, not the gross level of investment­s.

The problem is where the president wants to spend the increased revenues: tax reductions for the middle class. While this sounds good on the stump — who doesn’t want to pay a few hundred dollars per year less in taxes — these reductions would have no effect on either investment or growth.

Any additional tax revenue should be committed to America’s future investment by companies — not current consumptio­n by American taxpayers.

A number of studies have shown that corporate taxes are the most harmful to investment and economic growth. Like it or not, capital is increasing­ly mobile, allowing companies and investors to invest worldwide to find the highest rates of return. This pressure will only increase. Unfortunat­ely, the United States imposes some of the highest statutory and effective corporate tax rates in the developed world. And compared with many of our competitor­s, which reward companies that invest in research and developmen­t and new machinery and equipment with lower tax rates, U.S. incentives are minimal. This is despite the fact that every dollar of forgone revenue from the R&D tax credit generates as much as $2 in additional research spending from the private sector.

We should be asking the rich to bear a greater portion of the tax burden to transition the country to a tax system capable of growing, retaining and attracting dynamic companies, thus creating the investment and jobs needed to provide opportunit­y for all. Instead, the president has reverted to the discredite­d argument that, by redistribu­ting money, we can somehow make the country better off both now and in the future.

This approach does nothing to change the competitiv­e landscape facing the U.S. economy.

Most Americans are not very concerned about income inequality. They are concerned about stagnant wages and economic uncertaint­y. These concerns cannot be solved merely by giving them a few hundred, or even a few thousand, dollars more through lower taxes.

To solve the underlying problems of slower productivi­ty growth, lagging technologi­cal innovation and declining competitiv­eness, we need to deal with more fundamenta­l challenges. A modern tax code with a lower corporate rate and stronger incentives for research and developmen­t would be a great first step.

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