Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

N. Korea flexing muscle in response to policy

- Linda Gefen, Boca Raton

What does a failing administra­tion need to divert attention? The talk of military action — code words for war.

For Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to say that all negotiatio­ns have failed with relation to North Korea, and that military action is on the table is no different than former President Obama’s red line drawn in relation to Syria. Republican­s have criticized Obama for this and now they are doing the same thing, unless they are really ready to get boots on the ground before working harder on diplomacy and possible sanctions if they apply.

Doesn’t Tillerson notice that all this muscle coming from North Korea came about because of the rhetoric used by Donald Trump during his contentiou­s presidenti­al campaign. With all the failing agendas coming from the Trump administra­tion, yet another diversion is in store for already nervous Americans.

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