Texarkana Gazette

Female cadets must box, too

- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

For years, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point has required its male cadets to box in their first year. But women weren’t allowed to join them. Now West Point has changed its rule: Plebe women, too, must box.

As long as boxing is a requiremen­t for cadet men, that is what equality requires.

Whether boxing should remain a requiremen­t at all has been called into question. It’s a question best left to the experts at the Military Academy. But it is certainly plausible that boxing, which requires its participan­ts to confront physical threats up close and fight them, is valuable preparatio­n for military officers.

In any event, it is only appropriat­e to mandate it for cadet men if, in the judgment of West Point’s authoritie­s, it is sufficient­ly valuable. And if it is valuable enough to mandate it for men, it is valuable enough to mandate it for women.

Some may argue that the risk of concussion outweighs the benefits. According to a New York Times story last year, nearly 1 in 5 West Point concussion­s came from boxing. But West Point’s students, women as well as men, have chosen to enter a dangerous profession. Exempting women cadets was coddling, not a word anyone would expect in the same sentence as “West Point.”

The U.S. Armed Forces have opened all combat roles to women, and five women from this year’s West Point graduating class chose to pursue the responsibi­lities of infantry officers. In the U.S. Military Academy, too, women deserve to be treated equally. This boxing requiremen­t is part of that equality.

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