The Advance of Bucks County


- The following informatio­n is provided by the Northampto­n Township Police Department:

Friday, Sept. 14

7HEF7 – A UeVLGenW IURP CheUUy BORVVRP DULYe UeSRUWeG WhaW VRPeRne VWROe a haOI a WanN RI gaV IURP hLV YehLFOe Rn SeSW. 12. 7he gaV waV YaOueG aW $35.

Saturday, Sept. 15

7HEF7 – A UeVLGenW IURP GeOGeU DULYe UeSRUWeG haYLng hRVWeG a SaUWy Whe nLghW before and that uninvited persons showed up. In the morning he found that approxLPaW­eOy $4,000 wRUWh RI eOeFWURnLF­V waV missing from the house.

Sunday, Sept. 16

D8I CHA5GES PE1DI1G - :hLOe Rn SaWURO anG WUaYeOLng nRUWhERunG Rn BuFN 5RaG an RIfiFeU Vaw a YehLFOe Ln IURnW RI hLP Uun a VWeaGy UeG WUaIfiF VLgnaO aW West sillage Road. The vehicle was VWRSSeG aW HeaWheU VaOOey 5RaG anG :eVW sillage Road. The operator was identifieG aV -RVeSh MaOFRPe, 21, RI HROOanG. BaVeG Rn REVeUYaWLR­n anG Whe LnaELOLWy RI MaOFRPe WR VuFFeVVIuO­Oy FRPSOeWe a VeULeV RI fieOG GexWeULWy WeVWV, he waV WaNen LnWR FuVWRGy Rn VuVSLFLRn RI haYLng Eeen GULYLng whLOe unGeU Whe LnfluenFe. He waV WUanVSRUWe­G WR Whe SW. MaUy MeGLFaO Center where samples of his blood were REWaLneG IRU anaOyVLV. He waV When WaNen to police headquarte­rs and processed beIRUe EeLng UeOeaVeG WR a IaPLOy PePEeU. ChaUgeV UeOaWLng WR D8I aUe SenGLng Whe lab report.

Tuesday, Sept. 18

:A55A17 A55ES7 – DaYLG 5RPanR, 59, RI HRuVWRn, 7exaV, waV WaNen LnWR FuVWRGy Ln Whe 100 EORFN RI GUeen DULYe Rn an RuWVWanGLn­g waUUanW. He waV WUanVporte­d to police headquarte­rs where he waV WUanVIeUUe­G WR Whe FuVWRGy RI GeSuWLeV IURP Whe BuFNV CRunWy SheULII’V DeSaUWment.

Wednesday, Sept. 19

7HEF7 – A UeVLGenW IURP Whe 200 EORFN of Worthingto­n Mill Road reported the WheIW IURP heU GULYeway RI an ROG FORWheV GUyeU Vhe haG SOaFeG WheUe whLOe aWWePSWing to sell it. The theft occurred sometime after midnight on Sept. 17. The GUyeU haG an eVWLPaWeG YaOue RI $200.

7HEF7 F52M VEHICLE – A UeVLGenW IURP BUanGywLne CRuUW UeSRUWeG WhaW unNnRwn aFWRU(V) haG enWeUeG hLV unORFNeG wRUN WUuFN WhaW waV SaUNeG Ln Whe GULYeway anG VWROe $400 Ln FaVh.

Thursday, Sept. 20

D8I - :hLOe Rn SaWURO an RIfiFeU REserved a vehicle traveling north on West sillage Road well in excess of the posted 25 mph speed limit. The vehicle was VWRSSeG aW :eVW VLOOage 5RaG anG BOaNeU’V :ay anG Whe RSeUaWRU LGenWLfieG aV HaVVan :aUGL, 45, RI HROOanG. BaVeG Rn REVeUYaWLR­nV anG :aUGL’V LnaELOLWy WR VuFFeVVIuO­Oy FRPSOeWe a VeULeV RI fieOG GexWeULWy WeVWV, he waV WaNen LnWR FuVWRGy Rn suspicion of having been driving while unGeU Whe LnfluenFe. He waV WUanVSRUWe­G WR Whe SW. MaUy MeGLFaO CenWeU wheUe he refused to submit to the drawing of blood samples after being informed of Whe PennVyOYan­La IPSOLeG CRnVenW Law. He waV When WaNen WR SROLFe heaGTuaUWe­UV and processed before being released to a IaPLOy PePEeU. ChaUgeV wLOO Ee fiOeG IRU D8I anG PennD27 wLOO Ee nRWLfieG RI hLV refusal to submit to chemical testing in order to impose administra­tive sanctions Rn :aUGL’V RSeUaWLng SULYLOegeV.

A55ES7 - BULan HRUan, 20, RI LeYLWWRwn waV WaNen LnWR FuVWRGy aW a IaPLOy PePEeU’V hRPe Ln FaOOV 7RwnVhLS aIWeU EeLng FhaUgeG wLWh WheIW Ey unOawIuO WaNLng anG UeFeLYLng VWROen SURSeUWy. 7he charges stem from a Sept. 5 incident in which police believe he stole a diamond ULng IURP a MeweOUy ERx aW a hRPe he waV FOeanLng Ln Whe 100 EORFN RI CaURO Lane. The ring had an estimated value of $6,000. HRUan waV WaNen WR SROLFe heaGquarte­rs where he was processed before EeLng aUUaLgneG EeIRUe DLVWULFW -uGge :LOOLaP Benz. HRUan waV UePanGeG WR Whe BuFNV CRunWy CRUUeFWLRn­aO FaFLOLWy Ln OLeu RI $25,000 (10 SeUFenW) EaLO.

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