The Advance of Bucks County

Interfaith Family Shabbat


Congregati­on Brothers of Israel, 530 Washington Crossing Road, Newtown will hold an Interfaith camily Shabbat Nov. 30, followed by an Oneg Shabbat; Services Dec. 1 are at 9:30 a.m. followed by a hiddush. On Sunday, Dec. 2 Religious School Classes will meet at 9:15 a.m. and the Men’s Club Minyan Program will be held at 9:20 a.m. Celebratio­n Station for all pre-school children and parents or grandparen­ts will meet from 10 a.m. to noon. The children will be celebratin­g the forthcomin­g Chanukah Holiday in song and crafts. Call the synagogue for more informatio­n. The Leisure Club will meet Dec. 4 at 10:30 a.m. for exercise class followed by lunch and guest speaker. On Dec. 5, Rabbi Philmus will hold the Talmud Class at 11 D.P. 0LG-WHHN HHEUHW DQG CRQfiUPDWL­RQ CODSSHS will be held at 4:30 p.m. The B’nai Mitzvah Class will be held Dec. 6. The ‘Moonbeam’s Annual Sisterhood Chanukah dift Exchange Party’ will be held Dec. 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the Nowicki home in Washington CrossLQJ. CDOO WKH RIfiFH WR UHSHUVH. 5HSHUVDWLR­QS DUH EHLQJ accepted for ‘Shabbat HaNeshamah’ on Dec. 8 with special classes and services for children and adults. A hiddush Lunch will be served following the programs. cor informatio­n, call 215-579-2200 or visit www. EURWKHUSRf­iSUDHO.RUJ.

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