The Advance of Bucks County

‘Economic Trends in Bucks and the Region’ highlight forum


At the Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce’s annual Economic Forum, attendees had the opportunit­y to hear a panel of business leaders share their perspectiv­e and expertise on the economy, along with their own proven strategies for success. Moderated by Bucks County Commission­er Rob Loughery, Craig Baclit (Patch Management Inc., Pothole Killers), Todd Buch (McCafferty Auto Group), Ron Davis ( PARu Casino C Racing), Sean Galt (Thompson Networks), and Liz Walsh (Bucks County WIB/CareerLink) all gave their views on the “Economic Trends in Bucks County and the Region.”

Thank you to the Economic Forum sponsors for their support! • 9HULzRn ($wDUGs 6SRnsRU) • 3UG )HGHUDO %DnN • $nJHOPDUN $ssRFLDWHs, ,nF. • /DwUHnFH /HxXs • P1& :HDOWK 0DnDJHPHnW • 6WUHDPOLnH PDyUROO, //& • :HLGHO 5HDOWRUs – $nnH 0. &RsWHOOR The Economic Developmen­t Award was presented to Good Friends, Inc. at the Economic Forum. This award recognizes individual­s, businHssHs nRn-SURfiW RUJDnLzDWL­Rns DnG/RU JUHHn WHFKnology for their outstandin­g work in promoting economic developmen­t and job growth in Bucks &RXnWy. 7KLs wDs WKH IRXUWHHnWK yHDU WKDW 9HULzRn sponsored the presentati­on of these awards at the Economic Forum program. Thank you to Dan 5HDvy RI 9HULzRn DnG WR HvHUyRnH wKR sXEPLWWHG nomination­s for their support.

Good Friends, Inc. is a residentia­l treatment program for adult men recovering from substance dependency, including those with a co-occurring psychiatri­c disorder. Establishe­d in 1977, Good Friends, Inc. is licensed by the Pennsylvan­ia Department of Health to provide comprehens­ive and quality behavioral health services conducive to personal growth.

Since its inception Good Friends, Inc. has maintained the highest standard for its treatment services and the needs of their clients. Because of this the agency has been called a model within its scope of business and one of the leaders in the provision RI KDOIwDy KRXsH WUHDWPHnW Ln WKH sWDWH. ,W UHflHFWs in their treatment success rate too, which last year was 57B above the national average.

While their service provides substance abuse treatment it also emphasizes providing opportunit­ies for independen­t growth and responsibl­e community living. Gaining employable jobs is one such opportunit­y. Entering the program, their clients are unemployed, a scenario they change during the course of treatment. This allows Good Friends, Inc. to have a positive impact within our community while their clients are in treatment and after they return to the community. Using an average of A12.00 per hour for an employed client, one year of post-treatment paid taxes would be approximat­ely A4,680.00 in revenue not previously FROOHFWHG. 0XOWLSOy WKLs fiJXUH Ey WKH 197 FOLHnWs who completed the program between 7/1/09 and 6/30/12 DnG $921,960.00 Ln WDxHs DUH FROOHFWHG, where prior there were few to none. And this only counts those clients who completed their treatment process.

Other positive economic measures are captured when a client enters treatment. Every A1.00 invested in addiction treatment saves A7.00 in reduced crime and criminal justice costs and when KHDOWK FDUH sDvLnJs DUH IDFWRUHG Ln WKH fiJXUH jumps to A12.00. Research indicates that addicWLRn WUHDWPHnW sLJnLfiFDn­WOy UHGXFHs HPHUJHnFy room use, inpatient hospital stays and total health care costs; and, untreated addiction incidence in the workplace yields increases in tardiness, absHnWHHLs­P DnG Rn-WKH-MRE FRnflLFWs, FRXSOHG wLWK decreased employee productivi­ty.

Good Friends, Inc. was nominated by Jessica Sweeney of First Federal of Bucks County.

 ??  ?? From left, Dan Bates (LBCCC), Commission­er Rob Loughery and Susan Rosner (Calder Associates/ LBCCC Chairperso­n of the Board) with Economic Forum panelists Todd Buch (McCafferty Auto Group), Ron Davis (PARX Casino & Racing), Craig Baclit (Patch...
From left, Dan Bates (LBCCC), Commission­er Rob Loughery and Susan Rosner (Calder Associates/ LBCCC Chairperso­n of the Board) with Economic Forum panelists Todd Buch (McCafferty Auto Group), Ron Davis (PARX Casino & Racing), Craig Baclit (Patch...
 ??  ?? Susan Rosner (Calder Associates/LBCCC Chairperso­n of the Board) and Dan Bates (LBCCC) congratula­te Ted Millard, Executive Director of Good Friends, Inc. on the organizati­on receiving the 2012 Economic Developmen­t Award.
Susan Rosner (Calder Associates/LBCCC Chairperso­n of the Board) and Dan Bates (LBCCC) congratula­te Ted Millard, Executive Director of Good Friends, Inc. on the organizati­on receiving the 2012 Economic Developmen­t Award.

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