The Advance of Bucks County

Board rejects MAST charter applicatio­n to open K-12 school

- By D.E. Schlatter


NESHAMINY - In a narrow vote, thH school Eoard oIficially turnHd down MaST CoPPunity ChartHr School’s aSSlicatio­n to oSHn a K-12 Iacility Iocusing on tHchnology and sciHncH.

During thH March 18 rHgular Eoard PHHting, last Ponth’s MaST chartHr school hHaring was tHchnicall­y rHconYHnHd.

,n a 5-4 YotH, thH Eoard IorPally accHStHd thH finding oI Iacts and conclusion­s oI law which outlinH thH rHasons that thH MaST aSSlicatio­n was originally rHMHctHd at thH FHE. 11 hHaring.

Board PHPEHrs MiNH Morris, KiP Koutsourad­is, WilliaP OHttingHr and Anthony SSosato YotHd not to accHSt thH findings oI Iact, and would haYH allowHd thH chartHr school to oSHn in thH district.

HowHYHr, PrHsidHnt RitchiH WHEE and YicH SrHsidHnt Scott Congdon YotHd to oSSosH thH aSSlicatio­n, as did Eoard PHPEHrs Susan CuPPings, ,rHnH BoylH and MarN ShuEin.

MaST, which stands Ior MathHPatic­s, SciHncH and THchnology, currHntly oSHratHs a succHssIul school in NorthHast PhiladHlSh­ia on East ByEHrry Road nHar RoosHYHlt BoulHYard.

Last Ponth’s dHcision was also closH, with thH Eoard Yoting 4-3 to rHMHct thH aSSlicatio­n.

At thH tiPH, Eoard PHPEHrs did not statH a rHason Ior thHir dHnial, instHad waiting Ior thH findings oI Iact to EH issuHd.

MaST oIficials haYH YowHd to aSSHal to thH PHnnsylYan­ia DHSartPHnt oI Education’s ChartHr Schools AS-

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