The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Unruly passengers often end up footing bill for flight diversions

Fines help airlines to recoup costs, serve as a deterrent to public.

- By Kelly Yamanouchi kyamanouch­

In November 2016, James August was somewhere over the Pacific Ocean on a Hawaiian Airlines flight to New York, when he lost his temper in an outburst that included yelling at his girlfriend, threatenin­g to cut her throat and striking a flight attendant.

His violent behavior was so alarming that the captain diverted the plane back to Honolulu where authoritie­s arrested him. For August, who had been drinking, according to court records, his troubles were just beginning.

Hawaiian Airlines calculated the costs of turning around the plane, rebooking passengers and paying for maintenanc­e and a replacemen­t flight crew. Last year, a federal court ordered August to pay $97,817.29 in restitutio­n for the airline’s costs in one of the highest-profile resti- tutions levied against a passenger for flight diversion.

“Hitting people in the pocketbook is one way to show people that this is a serious issue; you’re not going to just spend 30 days in jail,” said aviation attorney Jol Silversmit­h, who wrote a report on criminal charges against unruly airline passengers. “If you’re someone perhaps who already has a petty criminal record, going back to jail for 30 days may not affect you in the same way as having your wages garnished every week.”

No one k nows how many unruly passengers cause flight diversions each year or how many are ordered to pay restitutio­n. But in some of the most egregious incidents, unruly passengers can face large financial restitutio­n penalties. The fines carry a dual purpose. They help airlines recoup the cost when a

flight is cut short and serve as a deterrent to others to think twice before behaving badly on a flight.

Unruly passengers have been a problem airlines have grappled with for decades. But in an era with increased focus on safety and security, tighter seating and packed planes, the airline industry feels a sense of urgency to identify potential problems and prevent incidents. The restitutio­n penalties are federal prosecutor­s’ efforts to put a dent in the problem.

“A lot of people who do act out on pla n es don’t expect there to be punish- ment,” said Associatio­n of Flight Attendants union spokeswoma­n Taylor Gar- land. “Having these fines in place really sends a signal to the rest of the flying public or passengers who believe that the rules don’t apply at 30,000 feet — that what you do up in the air has consequenc­es on the ground.”

Restitutio­n can also avoid the need for a separate civil case for damages, Silversmit­h said. But it could take years or even decades to pay off nearly $100,000 in restitutio­n with wages garnished at a typical rate of 10 percent. And in many cases, an air- line may never recover the full amount.

In a case in July, passenger Bolutife Olusegun Olorunda was ordered to pay Delta Air Lines $9,118 for the cost of a diversion to Tulsa after he verbally assaulted a flight attendant on his flight from Portland, Ore., to Atlanta.

Some domestic flight diversions cost less, particular­ly if the airline can simply refuel and take off again rather than having to rebook passengers on another flight and get a new crew.

But when a flight is signifi- cantly delayed, it can rack up more costs and disrupt other flights the plane is due to fly later in the day — and disrupt the schedules of hundreds of travelers.

Atlanta-based Delta said it shares informatio­n on its losses, which the government uses to determine appropriat­e action. The Federal Avia- tion Administra­tion also has the authority to impose civil penalties of up to $25,000.

In a criminal case, restitu- tion may be used in negotiatin­g a sentence, according to Silversmit­h. “The prose- cutor may say, ‘We may be willing to take time off the sentence if you’re willing to pay restitutio­n,’ ” he said.

Restitutio­n doesn’t always go to the airline. Sometimes, a traveler is ordered to pay restitutio­n to another pas- senger abused on a flight.

That’s what happened to a first class passenger on Delta named Joseph Daniel Hudek IV, who was sentenced to two years in prison and ordered in May to pay $67,841 in restitutio­n to victims of his in-flight incident.

The Delta plane was flying from Seattle to China when Hudek emerged from the lavatory agitated, and tried to open the exit door of the plane, according to a U.S. Attorney’s Office in the West- ern District of Washington.

When two flight attendants tried to stop him, “he threw one to the floor and punched another,” according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. “When a passenger attempted to assist the flight attendants, Hudek hit him over the head with a wine bottle.”

It took multiple passengers to restrain him and the plane returned to Seattle. Passen- ger Lon Arnold got a con- cussion from the wine bot- tle strike and his vision was permanentl­y damaged by the incident, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

Hudek admitted that he “ingested marijuana edibles” before the flight, accord- ing to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Many of the worst incidents involve passengers who drank too much or abused some other substance that helped fuel aggressive or violent behavior that spun out of control.

“A lot of people take prescripti­on drugs to feel more comfortabl­e flying, and they don’t realize the (different) effect that alcohol or drugs can have when you’re up in the air,” Garland said.

If an issue with one problemati­c passenger isn’t tackled quickly, it could escalate into a conflict involving more people and become “a much bigger incident,” Garland said — which is why the captain may decide to divert.

The issue of misbehavio­r in the air has gained greater focus in recent years, with the Internatio­nal Air Transport Associatio­n pushing for countries to adopt a global legal framework and enforcemen­t policy for unruly passengers, since gaps in governance can mean some people are never punished for misconduct.

Garland said one risk is that unruly passengers can also divert flight crews’ attention from security risks.

“Anytime there’s chaos in the cabin, it threatens the safety of flight,” Garland said. “It could also serve as a distractio­n for something much more dangerous.”

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