The Columbus Dispatch

Find and get the job of your dreams


search on the company name to see how and if the business is making headlines. This is informatio­n you may be able to use in your cover letter and your interview to show your enthusiasm and the seriousnes­s of your candidacy.


Some people say the cover letter is dead, but, you could be wasting an opportunit­y to get your resume through the applicant tracking system software and another chance to demonstrat­e why you’re the perfect candidate.

You can make your point in five to seven sentences. State what you’re applying for; say what you like about the company; say how your experience­s match what they’re looking for.


Right before you apply to any specific job, identify the main keywords and responsibi­lities noted in the job ad and see if they appear in your resume. If your resume doesn’t include these words and phrases, it should. Sprinkle them in, but only where applicable


When you’ve applied to your dream job, it’s natural to want to start working right away. The good news, Salemi said, is that companies want to move forward quickly.

“Even though it feels like the process may drag, companies want to make a hire today,” she said. “But internal processes and procedures could be slowing the process down. Patience is key.”


When you do score an interview with a company, go back to that research you did in step one, as you’ll want to refer to he informatio­n in your interviews to show you’ve done your homework. Review the job ad again to make sure you’re clear on what the hiring manager is seeking. Also review answers to common interview questions, figure out your key selling points.


Your mother was right: A thank-you note is important. It can help you seal the deal after an interview and improve your chances of getting a job offer. “Email thank-you notes to all of the interviewe­rs individual­ly, and within 24 hours of the interview,” Salemi advises.


Eventually, you’re going get an the. It’s a momentous and exciting occasion. But don’t get ahead of yourself. For starters, when you get the offer, don’t say yes right away.

Salemi said you always want to negotiate your salary first. “Employers expect you to negotiate,” she says. “They are more surprised when you don’t than when you do.”

There’s typically more money on the table, so why not try to put a little more cash in your pocket?

2017 — Monster Worldwide, Inc. All Rights Reserved. You may not copy, reproduce or distribute this article without the prior written permission of Monster Worldwide. This article first appeared on Monster. com. To see other career-related articles, visit

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