The Columbus Dispatch

Zoo honored for helping environmen­t

- By Alissa Widman Neese awidmannee­ @AlissaWidm­an

Threatened by shrinking ice caps and the loss of their Arctic habitat, polar bears have become ambassador­s for environmen­tal sustainabi­lity in many zoos worldwide.

At the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, officials say the behind-the-scenes system used to cool and heat the Polar Frontier exhibit’s 165,000gallon pool, as well as nearby buildings, is just as critical to wildlife conservati­on.

It’s powered with geothermal energy — natural heat from the Earth and sun — that ultimately reduces the zoo’s carbon footprint.

“I like to call them our ‘solar bears,’” joked Barbara Revard, a longtime employee who became the zoo’s first director of sustainabi­lity last year.

The innovative exhibit, which debuted in 2010, is one of many reasons the zoo received a first-of-its-kind award from the Ohio Environmen­tal Protection Agency on Monday: a platinum-level Encouragin­g Environmen­tal Excellence recognitio­n.

The award requires organizati­ons to exceed environmen­tal regulatory requiremen­ts. Programs must expand beyond their facilities, positively impacting their local community, region and, in the zoo’s case, the world.

One of the zoo’s internatio­nal efforts was helping a bonobo sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of Congo study solar power and anaerobic digestion, a natural method of breaking down waste and producing energy. Another was sending watercarry­ing backpacks to people in Kenya and Namibia, where the zoo has conservati­on partners.

But local efforts, no matter how small, are just as important, Revard said.

For example, a “My House” exhibit at the zoo teaches visitors about nature, recycling, conservati­on, wildlifefr­iendly gardening and using fewer disposable items. Similar messages are emblazoned throughout exhibits at the zoo.

“People may think ‘I can’t do anything to help,’ and that’s just not true,” she said. “All of our actions can influence the environmen­t and animal habitats.”

“If a million people all do a simple action, like flipping off a light switch or recycling, it becomes a great action that reduces our carbon footprint.”

Between 2015 and 2016, the zoo reduced its electricit­y, natural gas and propane use by 13 percent, saving more than $275,000, Revard said.

Its diversion rate, which measures how much waste is recycled or composted instead of sent to a landfill, also improved during that time. It’s now 73 percent.

Officials hoisted a new flag at the zoo entrance Monday afternoon as a way to encourage conversati­on about the recent award and sustainabi­lity.

“We would like to see other businesses across Ohio and the country follow the lead the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium has taken,” Ohio EPA director Craig Butler said.

Washing Systems LLC, based in Loveland, near Cincinnati, is the only other recipient of the platinum-level Encouragin­g Environmen­tal Excellence award so far. To learn more about the award, go to ohioe3.

 ?? [KYLE ROBERTSON/DISPATCH] ?? Barbara Revard, director of sustainabi­lity at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, tells Ohio EPA director Craig Butler, left, about the water in the brown bear exhibit after a ceremony that highlighte­d the zoo’s environmen­tal stewardshi­p.
[KYLE ROBERTSON/DISPATCH] Barbara Revard, director of sustainabi­lity at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, tells Ohio EPA director Craig Butler, left, about the water in the brown bear exhibit after a ceremony that highlighte­d the zoo’s environmen­tal stewardshi­p.

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