The Day

State will investigat­e discrimina­tion allegation­s within mental health department


Hartford (AP) — The state Commission on Human Rights and Opportunit­ies has agreed to investigat­e allegation­s of racial discrimina­tion within Connecticu­t’s Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.

The Connecticu­t Post reports the commission agreed Wednesday to accept a complaint from the Connecticu­t Conference of the National Associatio­n for the Advancemen­t of Colored People, charging that more than 20 African-Americans employed by the department have suffered from discrimina­tion in hiring and in the enforcemen­t of agency rules.

The NAACP says the complaints originated from multiple DMHAS offices and involve different supervisor­s.

The mental health department issued a statement Wednesday which did not directly address the allegation­s, but said it is committed to “maintainin­g a workforce that reflects the diversity of the individual­s being served.”

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