The Day



— Hartford police Chief Jason Thody will pay for the damage he caused to a city vehicle, and a formal reprimand from the mayor will be placed in his personnel file.

Mayor Luke Bronin released a letter on Monday saying Thody must reimburse the city $3,300 for damage from a May 31 crash. Thody hit a guardrail on Route 154 when returning from a marina, and scraped the side of the cityowned Chevrolet Tahoe, the Hartford Courant reported.

Thody reported the incident and the damage, including photograph­s he took of the vehicle and guardrail, to Harford’s chief operation officer, but he did not call the state police as required.

An initial report written by a lieutenant wrongly stated that Thody had called the state police, and that the state police declined to inspect the crash or to issue a case number. Thody later filed a second report attesting that he had not called the state police, and that damage to the vehicle was less than $1,000.

“I accept Mayor Bronin’s discipline, and I am committed to focusing on moving forward and serving our community to the best of my ability,” Thody told the newspaper.

The crash was first reported by a local blog on June 25.

On the day of the crash, another driver called 911 to report a law enforcemen­t vehicle swerving across lanes, before hitting the guardrail. The caller said he thought the driver was intoxicate­d. Thody denied being under the influence.

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