The Denver Post

France’s troubling burkini bans

- Re: Anya Gersoff,

“The French have a right to ban the burkini,” Aug. 23 Froma Harrop column.

I was embarrasse­d to see such an ignorant column in your paper, a paper I have read and respected my entire life. As an undergradu­ate at Princeton, I dedicated a majority of my studies to Islam and counterter­rorism, and I found Froma Harrop’s analysis underwhelm­ing. To dismiss arguments linking the burkini ban to a possible rise in Islamic extremism as “implied threats” is dangerous and demonstrat­es a limited understand­ing of the complexity of Islamic extremism in the French context. While Islamic extremism is always a puzzle, Harrop barely acknowledg­es the challenges of the French case: there is no discussion of France’s colonial past, limited discussion of other French veiling bans, etc.

Further, Harrop’s dismissive tone can contribute to Islamophob­ia and isolation that can help to drive radicaliza­tion. To refer to a burqa as “jarring” has obvious negative connotatio­ns.

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