The Denver Post

EPA delays considerin­g cleanup proposal.


The Trump administra­tion has delayed considerat­ion of a proposal to require companies to prove they have the financial wherewitha­l to clean up polluted mining sites after a pushback from industry groups and Western-state Republican­s.

Companies in the past have avoided cleanups of many mining sites by declaring bankruptcy. That prompted the Environmen­tal Protection Agency under President Barack Obama to pursue changes that would prevent taxpayers from getting stuck with cleanup bills.

But newly sworn-in EPA Administra­tor Scott Pruitt directed his staff on Friday to delay considerat­ion of the Obama-era proposal for four months, in order to gather more public comment. Pruitt was a frequent critic of the agency during his previous position as Oklahoma attorney general, suing the EPA numerous times.

Contaminat­ed water from abandoned mine sites can flow into rivers and other waterways, harming aquatic life and threatenin­g drinking water supplies.

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