The Denver Post

Trump and Sessions are wrong — leaks help expose the truth

- Re: Thomas M. Holzfaster,

“Sessions declares war on leaks, says probes have tripled this year,” Aug. 5 news story.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the current administra­tion have declared that leaks are a national security danger. This is clearly not true. Without people willing to risk imprisonme­nt and exile over the years, we would never know of some of the horrifying things our government has done in our names, and in secret. We certainly would never get the truth about anything voluntaril­y from the current deceptive, secretive, corrupt, crony-filled administra­tion.

The so-called “president” himself cannot get through a month without evidence of his administra­tion’s lies surfacing in the news, and must regularly hold rallies among his deeply delusional supporters in order to feel his insane agenda is justified.

God bless the leakers. (It’s called freedom of speech, for those of you who are confused.) Send letters of 150 words or fewer to or 101 W. Colfax Ave., Suite 800, Denver, CO, 80202. Please include full name, city and phone number. Contact informatio­n is for our purposes only; we will not share it with anyone else. You can reach us by telephone at 303-954-1331.

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