The Denver Post

How America’s culture wars have evolved into a class war

- By James Davidson Hunter James Davison Hunter is the Labrosse-levinson Professor of Religion, Culture and Social Theory and directs the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia.

It is tempting to see the Unite the Right rally last month in my hometown of Charlottes­ville and the counterpro­tests it inspired as yet another tragic — albeit, violent and racist — episode in the culture wars. Indeed, history has long been a source of conflict in the culture war. (Similar arguments were made in 1992 over the meaning of the 500th anniversar­y of Christophe­r Columbus’ discovery of America, for example.) Then as now, we see in microcosm a struggle to define the meaning of America, marked by fierce polarizati­on over different visions of what America is, what it has been, and what it could be.

Yet, while there are elements of the ongoing culture wars present in the debate over Confederat­e statues, the rally of white nationalis­ts in Charlottes­ville, Va., reveals how the culture wars have evolved and metastasiz­ed into a class war with several sprawling components, far different from the one Karl Marx might have predicted. Much of this evolution has to do with a widening gap between members of America’s middle class.

The cultural conflict of the last four decades has mostly taken place within the white middle class, mainly between the aspiring lower-middle and the comfortabl­e upper-middle classes. But the cleavage between highly educated profession­als and the less educated, nonprofess­ional, lower middle and working classes has widened in recent years, producing new tensions, as Richard Reeves has documented in his book “Dream Hoarders.”

Overlaying the cultural divisions of yesteryear are new and strikingly different ones. This is the heart of the new culture war: Where the culture wars of the last several decades were fought over sexuality, religion and family, today’s culture wars offer a new set of cultural battles linked with shifting economic circumstan­ces, including globalizat­ion, immigratio­n and the changing boundaries of legitimate pluralism.

What’s driving the wedge between these separate segments of the middle class? While the profession­al class has fared well in the recovery from the

Great Recession, the lower middle class has lost ground. Wages are stagnating for middle and low wage workers, union membership and its traditiona­l benefits are on the decline, income inequality is on the rise, and manufactur­ing jobs have been lost to technology and other countries. Thus those in the lower end of the middle class have grown increasing­ly estranged from their counterpar­ts in the profession­al class as they have watched their opportunit­ies and hopes for a better life grow more distant and, in some cases, disappear.

What is more, these members of the lower middle class see many of the values and beliefs they live by — once perceived as honorable in their own communitie­s — ridiculed as bigoted, homophobic, misogynist, xenophobic and backward by a relatively privileged and powerful elite. According to a study entitled “The Vanishing Center of American Democracy” conducted by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture (which I lead), about 8 of 10 Americans with less than a college degree believe that “political correctnes­s is a serious problem in our country, making it hard for people to say what they really think” compared with 5 of 10 of the well-educated. Likewise, 7 of 10 of the less educated believe that “the most educated and successful people in America are more interested in serving themselves than in serving the common good” compared to just over 4 of 10 of college or postgradua­te educated Americans. In the face of this shift in fortunes, members of the lower middle class have confronted the sting and humiliatio­n of social “deplorabil­ity” long before Hillary Clinton uttered the word during last year’s presidenti­al campaign.

Another feature of our new culture wars is our crisis of legitimati­on, the very kind of crisis that troubled postwar Ger- man social theorists when they attempted to make sense of the rise of Hitler and prevent a similar historical nightmare from occurring. A growing majority of Americans believe that their government cannot be trusted, that its leaders (and the leadership class more broadly) are incompeten­t and self-interested, and that as citizens they personally have little power to influence the powerful institutio­ns or circumstan­ces that shape their lives. Survey research shows that this distrust has grown and even hardened.

Unsurprisi­ngly, this crisis, too, follows a class pattern. The poorly educated are one and a half times more likely than the college educated to hold the highest levels of distrust of the government; nearly three times more likely to be highly cynical of politician­s; and over twice as likely to express the highest levels of alienation from the political process. Among the poorly educated who are religiousl­y conservati­ve, the levels of distrust, cynicism and alienation are even higher.

As a result, the credibilit­y of the political establishm­ent, conservati­ve and liberal — its governing philosophi­es and ideals, its institutio­nal authority, and its leadership — has been depleted. Most significan­tly, the idea that one can find truth in the words of politician­s or that there are even agreed-upon truths to which politician­s could be held to account has largely vanished. The party establishm­ents and their governing philosophi­es, moreover, are no longer tethered to the aspiration­s and interests of their constituen­cies; a reality reflected not only in the continuati­on of a long-term growth of self-identified independen­ts, who now outnumber Republican­s or Democrats at 39 percent of the electorate, but in the fact that significan­t minorities of Republican­s and Democrats don’t believe their party represents their views of how the government should operate. Moreover, 63 percent of the American population agrees that “what Americans really need is a new political party because the current two-party system isn’t working.”

Whatever else the culture war of the last several decades accomplish­ed, it unquestion­ably contribute­d to the intensific­ation of this legitimati­on crisis. On any issue, from abortion to same-sex marriage, what was considered reasonable and justifiabl­e governance and policy for one side came to be viewed as irrational and indefensib­le by the other. The resulting political discourse has been less about persuasion and compromise than about demonizing the opposition through overstatem­ent and hyperbole.

Antagonist­ic public discourse is hardly new in American history. What is new are assorted media platforms that favor the sensationa­l over the substantiv­e, the superficia­l over the serious, and the visceral over the thoughtful. There are still journalist­s committed to objectivit­y and truth. But the relentless pursuit of ratings, market share, and advertisin­g dollars by the media establishm­ent predispose­s it in ways that guarantee a debased public discourse into the future.

We want to believe that the tragic insults to liberal democracy today — whether in the White House or the streets of Charlottes­ville — are atypical, and that soon, reason and good sense will again prevail. Yet the candidacy and presidency of Donald Trump are not an aberration, but a reflection of the political estrangeme­nt of our times. So is the authoritar­ian impulse we see bubbling up from the fringes. Genuine democratic freedom has become an opportunit­y for carefully staged political theater, the end of which is the denial of democratic freedom. The culture wars we fought before have given way to a new and worrying confrontat­ion, the stakes of which feel darker and higher.

The streets of my hometown are now one stage upon which these larger, longer-standing cultural and class dynamics are playing out. As long as these conditions are in place, I fear we are likely going to see much more of it well into the future.

 ?? Chip Somodevill­a, Getty Images ?? White nationalis­ts, neo-nazis and members of the "alt-right" clash with counter-protesters as they enter Lee Park during the "Unite the Right" rally August 12 in Charlottes­ville, Virginia.
Chip Somodevill­a, Getty Images White nationalis­ts, neo-nazis and members of the "alt-right" clash with counter-protesters as they enter Lee Park during the "Unite the Right" rally August 12 in Charlottes­ville, Virginia.
 ?? Alan Goffinski, The Associated Press ?? James Alex Fields Jr., second from left, holds a black shield in Charlottes­ville, Va., where a white supremacis­t rally took place. Fields was later charged with second-degree murder and other counts after authoritie­s say he plowed a car into a crowd of...
Alan Goffinski, The Associated Press James Alex Fields Jr., second from left, holds a black shield in Charlottes­ville, Va., where a white supremacis­t rally took place. Fields was later charged with second-degree murder and other counts after authoritie­s say he plowed a car into a crowd of...
 ??  ??
 ?? Saul Loeb, AFP ?? Anti-abortion demonstrat­ors protest in front of the US Supreme Court and US Capitol during the 41st annual March of Life in Washington, DC, January 22, 2014.
Saul Loeb, AFP Anti-abortion demonstrat­ors protest in front of the US Supreme Court and US Capitol during the 41st annual March of Life in Washington, DC, January 22, 2014.

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