The Denver Post

Gardner’s knee jerk


After the announceme­nt of Brett Kavanaugh for the vacant Supreme Court seat, Sen. Cory Gardner stated that “I hope my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will thoughtful­ly and thoroughly review ... rather than making a knee-jerk decision based on politics and nothing else.” Here is his statement about Obama’s selection of Merrick Garland who was denied a hearing: “The Obama administra­tion continues to use the judicial and regulatory systems to push through its legislativ­e agenda, shifting the balance of power the founders establishe­d.”

We are not braindead yet. Enough with the hypocrisy! There are no checks or balances in our government. There are just the Republican­s who are in total control and I fear are remaking our democratic republic into a theocratic oligarchy.

Jeannie Dunham, Denver

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