The Mercury News Weekend

Whythe rush to pass a health care bill?

Analysis: GOP hopes to use the reconcilia­tion process to pass a bill

- By Philip Bump

WASHINGTON — White House press secretary Sean Spicer promised that the Republican effort to replace “Obamacare” wouldn’t be “jammed down people’s throats” in the way he said the Affordable Care Act was in 2010. Republican­s would observe “regular order” in Congress, moving the legislatio­n through committee and ensuring that the public had an opportunit­y to see what was under considerat­ion.

That was two weeks ago. Since then, Republican leaders have scrambled to revise their initial proposal, the American Health Care Act, to shore up enough support from their own caucus to ensure that it can pass the House. Late Wednesday night, reports surfaced that substantia­l components of the bill were being reconsider­ed to that end. Members of the conservati­ve House Freedom Caucus met with President Donald Trump on Thursday, resulting in more caucus members voicing their opposition. By late Thursday, Trump told reporters they needed to pass the bill on Friday or he would leave the Affordable Care Act in place.

It all raises the question: Why the rush? Republican­s control the House, the Senate and the White House. They could, theoretica­lly, pass something at any time. Instead, they’re hustling for a vote this week, less than three weeks after they unveiled the original version of the AHCA. So: Why? Two big reasons. The most important relates to the process Republican­s hope to use to pass the replacemen­t. The AHCA is part one of three meant to constitute a new system. While parts two and three are somewhat theoretica­l at this point, the strategy behind the AHCA is not.

Passing the AHCA relies on the congressio­nal reconcilia­tion process, a specific mechanism tied to the overall budget process. It was created in part to provide a system for adjusting mandatory spending figures that can’t be changed through the normal appropriat­ions process. But it also creates a fast-track system for passing very specific types of legislatio­n and — critically, for the purposes of this discussion— avoids filibuster­s in the Senate. If the AHCA can pass the House and if the Senate’s parliament­arian thinks it meets the various requiremen­ts necessary to be considered a reconcilia­tion bill, Republican­s need only 51 votes in the Senate (perhaps including that of Vice President Mike Pence, in the event of a tie) for the bill to head to Trump’s desk.

(A quick aside: That need to check all of the boxes to be considered a reconcilia­tion bill is one of the minefields Republican­s face as they scramble to finalize a package that can pass the House. There’s no way they’ll get enough votes in the Senate to avoid a filibuster on non-reconcilia­tion legislatio­n.)

On Jan. 12, the House and Senate kicked off the reconcilia­tion process using the fiscal 2017 budget resolution as a vehicle. (One of the rules about reconcilia­tion is that it can only be deployed to adjust spending or revenue once per budget resolution.) After blowing past a Jan. 27 benchmark for reconcilia­tion proposals from committees, Republican­s came up with the AHCA.

Now, all of that said, there’s no time limit on the reconcilia­tion process. But Republican­s want very much to move on to largescale budget reform, which means passing a budget for fiscal 2018 and an associated reconcilia­tion bill of its own. That reconcilia­tion could theoretica­lly revamp both health care and tax rules but that would be an even more complex — and therefore more politicall­y tricky — bit of legislatio­n.

Which brings us to the other reason Republican­s are moving quickly: political opposition.

Republican leaders want to wrap up Obamacare reform and tax reform before August. Why August? Well, for one thing, because August is when Congress goes on recess and representa­tives generally head back to their districts and host town halls. When Republican­s held town halls in January and February, it didn’t always go that well, because a lot of constituen­ts showed up to complain about the attempt to overturn Obamacare.

Politico’s Tim Alberta reported that Speaker Paul Ryan’s allies believe that opposition will continue to firm up as the debate over the AHCA continues. That already seems to be true: Opposition from Republican members of Congress has apparently increased and the bill itself — while relatively unknown — is unpopular with the public. It’s less popular than Obamacare was when it passed, even though Obamacare was viewed more negatively than positively. Legislator­s are already reporting broad, consistent opposition from constituen­ts; it’s not clear why that would change as the fight drags out. Again, Obamacare is instructiv­e: As the vote on it neared, the proposal grew less popular.

By moving quickly, Republican leaders seem to think that they can get past the hurdle of opposition before it becomes insurmount­able. They may have already missed that mark.

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