The Mercury News Weekend

‘Wilson’ sticks to its cartoonish character

- By Michael O’Sullivan

“I believe that every one of us has a story to tell.”

So begins the dry, voice-over narration of the film “Wilson,” courtesy of WoodyHarre­lson in the title role. Wilson, a middle-aged misanthrop­e, is based on a character created by Daniel Clowes in his graphic novel of the same name. Clowes — whose “Ghost World” and “Art School Confidenti­al” have previously been made into films — adapted his 2010 book for this screen version, directed by Craig Johnson (“The Skeleton Twins”).

Wilson may be correct — that we all have something to get off our chests. But the evidence presented by this sour-to-the-point-oftoxic belly-acher suggests that not all of our ravings are equally worth telling — or hearing. Wilson’s anticharis­ma kills whatever inherent charm his story possesses, in its narrative about a jerk attempting to bond with the daughter he never knew he had.

Over the course of the film, Wilson — who has no visible means of support but mocks people, like an I.T. consultant, for their jobs — learns that his exwife (Laura Dern) did not have an abortion after she left him several years ago, as he believed. “Wilson” is the kind of film that expects a laugh when we learn that his ex is named Pippi, as in Longstocki­ng, and that she now sports a tattoo on her lower back reading “Property of Sir D.A.D.D.Y. Big D—.”

Wilson, at another point, creeps out some dude standing next to him at a urinal by compliment­ing the stranger on his, er, equipment. Again, that’s meant to be funny.

The movie centers on Wilson’s attempt to establish some kind of rapport with his now-teenage daughter (Isabella Amara), who was given up for adoption, although the film gives us no reason to believe that he has ever successful­ly connected with a human being before. What may have worked on the pages of a book-length cartoon comes across as merely cartoonish when played by live actors.

At least here it does. Steve Buscemi’s similarly misfit Seymour in “Ghost World” managed to evoke a dyspeptic pity from the audience that Wilson, alas, cannot, despite the film’s strenuous efforts to humanize him. There’s a story here, all right, but it’s a heartless and bitter one.

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