The Mercury News Weekend

Wonders if she is being stalked

- Ask Amy Amy Dickinson — Hurt

DEAR AMY » I’m 62, and have been single for the past 27 years, with occasional relationsh­ips. I’m quite independen­t and if the relationsh­ip was no longer working (for whatever reason), either he or I ended it with not much fanfare involved.

This spring, I met a man who lives only a few blocks away from me.

At first it was working quite well. Then he started getting angry with me for absolutely no reason. He started demonstrat­ing terrible jealousy. I would leave the relationsh­ip, he would apologize, I would forgive him, and then it would happen all over again.

I learned that his exwife of 35 years will not engage him in conversati­on, and his children and grandchild­ren barely spend time with him. He told me that his ex-wife accused him of stalking her after the divorce.

I finally had to break it off, with no hope of reconcilin­g. I have since stopped all communicat­ion, although he continued to text me, begging me to give him another chance.

Yesterday my sisters and I noticed him walking up my driveway. He placed an envelope on my car windshield. Once he was gone I opened it and he was returning a clip I had left at this house, along with a note that stated, “I miss you and if you gave us (me) another chance I know things would be different.”

Is this stalking? Am I in danger? Should I start restrainin­g order proceeding­s? Should I reach out to his ex-wife and see if he’ll eventually get over it? — Grandma with a Stalker

DEAR GRANDMA » You are not being stalked — so far. Currently, you have a case of a neighbor walking up your driveway and leaving a note on your car.

However, given this man’s history — both his reported history and his behavior toward you — I agree that you should be wary.

If you genuinely think it would be helpful, you could contact his ex, who might provide some insight.

Install a “No Trespass- ing” sign in a visible spot at the end of your driveway. If this man comes on to your property again and it makes you uncomforta­ble, you could send him a letter via priority mail: “I have posted a ‘ No Trespassin­g’ sign at the edge of my property. Please do not come on to my property or contact me again.”

If you see him on your property and/or if he contacts you after this, you should look into legal remedies.

DEAR AMY » I was shocked at the selfish vanity displayed by “Grandma to Be,” who believed that her stepson’s child wasn’t her “real” grandchild. My stepmother had the same attitude toward her step-kids’ children, openly favoring the child born to her biological daughter.

This favoritism has affected all of the relationsh­ips of our otherwise happy family.

DEAR HURT » Grandchild­ren are grandchild­ren — regardless of DNA. Contact Amy Dickinson via email at askamy@

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