The Mercury News Weekend

President’s behavior is adding to nation’s stress


Are we not all stressed enough with COVID-19? Now having just held a national election for president of the United States the people have spoken, and the president- elect is Joe Biden.

Now comes the peaceful turnover of government to the newly elected leader.

From all reports, the election went very well with millions of citizens voting in record numbers with no evidence of fraud.

The incumbent, who by all measures has lost, continues to challenge the legitimacy of the vote of the people with no evidence of any fraud or malfeasanc­e.

Being coddled by Senate leaders who appear to fear him, the president rages on, refusing to assist in the transfer of power, trying our nerves and our patience!

This president’s behavior is very troubling for all of us. Last I checked we are in the United States of America.

These are scary times for our democracy.

— Susan Dillon, Morgan Hill

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