The Mercury News Weekend

Reader disputes that toll lane fees are based on traffic volume

- Join Gary Richards for An hourlong chat At noon wednesdays At www.mercurynew­ Look for Gary Richards At, or contact him At mrroadshow@bayareanew­ or 408-920- 5335. Gary Richards Columnist

Q You say that toll lanes are based on the volume of traffic, but I disagree.

I commute from Pleasanton to Fairfield and have seen a bunch of Fridays when there’s no traffic on the road, yet the toll doubles or triples all the way up to $10. Volume has nothing to do with it and if it does at certain times, why wouldn’t the toll be less to have people drive in those lanes to keep traffic down in other lanes? This is nothing but bureaucrat­ic thievery.

— Louie Casterson, Pleasanton

A The next guy agrees with you.

Q It was my understand­ing that the express lanes would follow a congestion pricing model that would include the option to open the lanes to all drivers (no Fastrak transponde­r required, no fee) if traffic was moving well enough.

However, on at least a half- dozen occasions, I have driven at or above 65 mph in the non- express lane with 10 or more car lengths separation and at the same time, the express lane was all but deserted but still charging a very small fee.

This was on an unimpeded 15mile stretch of Interstate 880 between Fremont and Milpitas. So are express lanes unable to be “open to all” during regular weekday, daytime hours, even when traffic conditions would allow it?

Seems like a money-grab, if so.

— Tim Riener, Fremont

A Express lanes operate weekdays from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. no matter the amount of traffic.

The express lanes are open to all at other times. But John-the-MTC-Man had this response:

“I encourage Mr. Riener to think this through a bit more:

“If the Express Lanes are all but deserted they are generating all but zero revenue. Hardly a money-grab.”

Q I was on Highway 17 near Scotts Valley recently when I spotted what looked like smoke coming out of the pavement. Was there an undergroun­d fire?

— Betty Thomas, San Jose

A No. Put away the fire extinguish­er. Caltrans was doing culvert work in the median between Santa’s Village and Summit Road, using resin and steam to create a liner inside the culvert. Billowing steam can appear around these worksites.

Q Please keep the Botts’ dots. They are nostalgic. I will hate to see them go

Pamela koussa, napa

A The popular Botts’ dots — there are an estimated 20 million on state roads — are being replaced with thermal plastic striping.

Caltrans studies show that Botts’ dots haven’t reduced crashes significan­tly, don’t last very long and may pose problems for autonomous vehicles. They now can wear out in a few months and are difficult to replace.

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