The Mercury News Weekend

Until GOP admits lie, there can be no healing


The violent attempt to stop the congressio­nal certificat­ion of the 2020 election was an intentiona­l act directed by President Donald Trump and was supported by many of his elected loyalists. By not recognizin­g that Joe Biden won the election, Trump and his loyalists knowingly promote the false claim that the election was rigged and they knowingly foster even deeper divisions in our country.

This is sedition, and it is criminal behavior. It continues each day they allow this lie to stand. Every legal step should be taken against these seditionis­ts until they admit that the election fraud is a lie. This is the only act that will permit them some distance from the harm they have brought to our country.

Until that time, they will be responsibl­e for the violence that occurs at the hands of right-wing extremists whose loyalty they seek. We must hold them accountabl­e.

— Larry Lauro

San Jose

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