The Mercury News

Aces on bridge


DEAR MR. WOLFF: What criteria should I apply after opening a strong no-trump to make a “super accept” of my partner’s transfer bid? Our current agreement is that with four trumps, opener should jump to the three-level, irrespecti­ve of his HCP, if not completely balanced. Is that a sound approach, particular­ly for pairs? And would you recommend anything more detailed than this? — Having a Fit

ANSWER: Maybe you can also use a two-no-trump response as specifical­ly a maximum with three good trumps, headed by two of the top three honors? Scientists will assign meanings to new suits here, but I’m not sure that is a good investment of brain cells.

DEAR MR. WOLFF: With SPADES Q-2, HEARTS K-96-5-3, DIAMONDS A-8-5, CLUBS K-10-4, I opened one heart and heard my partner respond two diamonds. How do you rank the raise of diamonds, the rebid of hearts, and a twono-trump call? — Seconds Out

ANSWER: The options are to raise diamonds, which should deliver a fourth trump or extra high-cards, to rebid two no-trump without a proper spade stopper, or to rebid hearts. I prefer to play the heart rebid as showing either a sixth trump or a respectabl­e five-carder. Unless you can rebid your major with no guarantee as to suit quality, the least lie is surely to opt for the two no-trump rebid.

DEAR MR. WOLFF: I wonder if you could comment on the merits of the sandwich no-trump? Do you believe, in fourth seat when sandwiched between bidding opponents, that you should play the call of one no-trump as natural or twosuited? — John Montague

ANSWER: By a passed hand, use the one-no-trump call as 5-5 in the unbid suits, while double suggests 10-11, probably a 5-4 pattern. An unpassed hand needs the call as natural and a decent strong notrump. These days, as openings and responses get lighter, your side may be able to make slam in the face of both opponents bidding — so you must be able to bid your good hands accurately. And when you can double or jump to an unusual two no-trump, you don’t need a third call for the unbid suits.

DEAR MR. WOLFF: My partner and I were discussing the philosophy of competing, and this hand caused us fits. With SPADES A-Q-3-2, HEARTS Q-5-3, DIAMONDS K-10, CLUBS J-9-4-2, in fourth chair after LHO opened one diamond and RHO bid one heart, would you double? Assuming you pass, what if LHO raises hearts, or even repeats diamonds, and the auction comes back to you? — Keeper of the Clink

ANSWER: I would not act on the first round, even though I have opening values. I need a little more shape or high cards than this. On the second round, I would double whichever red suit my LHO had bid. There is no guarantee of safety, but I hate to be shut out. Contact Bobby Wolff at

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