The Mercury News

Immigratio­n issue starts in Washington, not at border


Re: “Why don’t countries do more to keep citizens?” (Letters to the Editor, July 10):

Letter writer Hal Bray needs to understand that political America is wedded to corporate America, which welcomes with open arms illegal immigratio­n, as it gets to employ cheap labor.

No administra­tion, be it Obama or Trump, wants to solve this problem. They just want to be seen to be doing so, hence the occasional well-orchestrat­ed, well-publicized raid on a meat-packing plant, which is simply dust thrown in our eyes.

Federal programs allow banks to open bank accounts for illegal immigrants, the IRS collects taxes from them, the DMV issues them licenses — all government department­s working hand in glove with corporate America and fooling the naive American public. This problem starts and ends in Washington, D.C., not California or Texas or Arizona. — Gayathri Chakravart­hy, Cupertino

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