The Morning Call (Sunday)



By Bob Jones

Many modern players agree to play their full system after a double or a two-club overcall of their one no-trump opening. A double of the two-club overcall becomes Stayman. East bravely competed to the three level. Good defense would have defeated the three-club contract, but North soldiered on to three hearts.

South captured the king of clubs lead with his ace as East followed with the four. South cashed the ace of hearts, dropping the queen, and continued with another heart to the jack and king. The defense from this point was merciless. East cashed his ace and king of diamonds before returning the two of clubs to his partner. West, noting his partner’s high-low in clubs, did not take long to continue with another club. South ruffed with dummy’s six but East over-ruffed with the nine and contract was down one.

This was excellent defense, but declarer should have prevailed. Can you spot how?

As a point of technique, South should have ducked the opening club lead. Sometimes there is no clear reason for doing this, but if it can be done safely, it might scissor communicat­ions between the defenders. Had South ducked the opening lead, the defense would not have had a chance.

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