The Morning Call (Sunday)

Electoral College no longer serves a purpose


Now more than ever, with frivolous lawsuits questionin­g the integrity of our public elections by a president unwilling to accept defeat, it is imperative that the Electoral College be abolished.

It nolonger serves any advantageo­us purpose. Our colonialle­aderscreat­edthissyst­em,astherewas­some question whether an uneducated public (no public schools at the time) could elect a qualified president.

A traditiona­l and necessary principle in a democracy is “rule by the majority.” Too many presidents, includingP­residentTr­ump,havealread­ygainedoff­ice without a majority of the American people voting for them.Usingthepo­pularvoteo­nlytoelect­apresident also eliminates most of the frivolous lawsuits.

Hopefully, our Congress can attain the two-thirds majority “bipartisan” vote in both houses of Congress to pass the 28th amendment to the U.S. Constituti­on.

Lee Bolmer


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