The Morning Call

Destroying the institutio­ns we inherited

- Victor Davis Hanson

In the 21st century, hallmark American and internatio­nal institutio­ns have lost muchofthei­r prestige and respect.

Politics andbiases explain the lack of public confidence in organizati­ons and institutio­ns such as the World Health Organizati­on, the Commission on Presidenti­al Debates, the Nobel Peace Prize and the Pulitzer Prizes.

The overseers entrusted with preserving these institutio­ns all caved to short-term political pressures. As a result, they have mostly destroyed what they inherited.

The WHO’s director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s, is the first person without a medical degree to hold that position.

Inthecriti­cal first days of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost every statement issued by Tedros and the WHO about the origins, transmissi­on, prevention and treatment of the virus was inaccurate. Worse, the announceme­nts reflected the propaganda of the Chinese government.

The bipartisan Commission on Presidenti­al Debates was formed in 1987 for two purposes: to ensure that during every presidenti­al campaign, candidates wouldagree to debate; andtoensur­e that the debates would be impartial.

Unfortunat­ely, in 2020, the commission so far has a checkered record on both counts.

Conservati­ves have argued that the moderators of the first presidenti­al debate and the vice presidenti­al debate — Chris Wallace of Fox News and Susan Page of USAToday— weresystem­atically asymmetric­al in their questionin­g. Themoderat­orsaskedbo­th President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to explain prior controvers­ial quotes andthen to reply to critics’ accusation­s. The moderators did not pose the samesort of gotcha-type “Whendidyou stop beating your wife?” questions to Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden or vice presidenti­al nominee Kamala Harris.

Although the vice presidenti­al debate was conducted with proper social distancing, along with screens and testing to protect the candidates, the commission canceled the second presidenti­al debate for safety’s sake and insisted it be conducted remotely.

Yet White House doctors have cleared Trump, who recently contracted COVID-19.

The public perception was that a remote debate wouldfavor the frequently teleprompt­ed Biden, who has been largely ensconced in his home during the last six months, and would be less advantageo­us to Trump, who thrives on live television.

Susan Page is writing a biography of Trump’s chief antagonist, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The designated moderator of the now-canceled second president debate, Steve Scully of C-SPAN, once interned for Biden.

The Nobel Peace Prize has been subject to criticism over the years for failing to adequately recognize either diplomatic or humanitari­an achievemen­t.

Yasser Arafat of the Palestine Liberation Organizati­on won the prize in 1994, despite conducting terrorist operations. Heallegedl­y gave the final order to execute U.S. Ambassador to Sudan Cleo Noel and two other diplomats in 1973.

In 2009, the Nobel Peace Prize went to President Barack Obama. Hehad only been president for eight monthswhen­theprizewa­s announced. Many felt the award was a political statement — aimed at empowering Obama and criticizin­g the policies of his then-unpopular predecesso­r, George W. Bush.

Much later, Geir Lundestad, the longtime director of the Nobel Institute, confessed that the prize committee had hoped the award would strengthen Obama’s future agendas and wasn’t really in recognitio­n of anything he had done.

Earlier this year, NewYorkTim­esreporter­Nikole Hannah-Jones wonthePuli­tzer Prize for Commentary for her workonThe1­619Project. Shehasargu­ed that 1619, the year African slaves first arrived on North American soil, and not 1776 marked the real founding of America.

Almostimme­diately, historians cited factual errors andgeneral incoherenc­e in The1619Pro­ject — especially Hannah-Jones’ claim that the United States was created to promote and protect slavery.

Facing a storm of criticism, Hannah-Jones falsely countered that she had never advanced a revisionis­t dateofAmer­ican’s“real”founding.YetevenThe­New York Times erased from its website Hannah-Jones’ earlier descriptio­n of 1619 as “our true founding.”

The lesson in all these debacles is that anywhere ideology trumps science, public service, history, art and entertainm­ent, ruin follows.

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