The Morning Call

Scheller voted to withdraw from regional health bureau


As a Lehigh County commission­er, Lisa Scheller voted to withdraw from the regional health bureau which was approved unanimousl­y in 2007, by a Republican-led board. She and others dismissed it as expansion of government and did not see the benefit of it.

Bureau services would have included immunizati­ons, preparedne­ss for natural disasters, communicab­le disease investigat­ions and a coordinate­d response to public health emergencie­s. In a time when we are facing a pandemic, combined with a serious opioids crisis, the value of an establishe­d well-funded regional health bureau is not difficult to imagine.

Her passionate embrace of the fracking industry also brings into question whether she would be a strong advocate for the safety of Lehigh Valley residents, when train cars transporti­ng millions of gallons of liquified natural gas begin to roll through the region.

Will Ms. Scheller [a candidate for U.S. Representa­tive in the PA 7th District] insist on adequate funding, training and equipment for the area’s emergency responders, who will be on the front lines, should an accident occur? Will she ensure that Lehigh Valley residents are not living under the threat of an explosive chain of events?

Joan Strong


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