The News-Times

200,000 jobs in 10 years is state’s path forward

- Oz Griebel, of Hartford, is a former Republican running for governor as an independen­t with lieutenant governor candidate and former Democrat Monte Frank of Newtown.

Imagine how different Connecticu­t would be if we grow the workforce by 200,000 over the next 10 years. The number represents almost twice the population of Hartford or 15 percent of the current number of people working for private employers — and after 30 years of no net new job growth, the change would be dramatic.

The benefits to the average Con- necticut citizen are obvious. Substantia­l growth in the workforce would mean more opportunit­y, better paying jobs and a resurgent economy created by 200,000 more people working, paying taxes and buying homes, cars and goods.

Those new revenues would allow us to provide meaningful support of programs that serve our most vulnerable — because as we create solutions, seek effective partnershi­ps and restore this great state to what I am confident it will be again — we must never lose our compassion.

A robust economy is critical to our quality of life, our education, infrastruc­ture, health care, environmen­t, the arts and our safety nets.

That is why the creation of 200,000 jobs is the centerpiec­e of our campaign and why it will be the organizing principle behind our administra­tion.

Connecticu­t already has important assets in place to accomplish this goal including a highly educated and productive workforce, an abundance of smart citizens committed to a fair and vibrant economy and proximity to Boston and New York — a competitiv­e advantage because of lower real estate costs and less congestion compared to New York and Boston.

Connecticu­t has had zero net job growth in the last 30 years. In the last three decades we have seen ups and downs in the Connecticu­t job market, but each time we have seen an increase in employment our numbers have never exceeded previous losses.

We have been holding steady — not growing — and that has hurt Connecticu­t’s economy and made it nearly impossible to make substantia­l progress on transporta­tion, education and paying off our enormous debt.

Our comprehens­ive plan offers a holistic approach to create jobs and bring renewed prosperity to Connecticu­t:

⏩ Privatize certain state services to reduce state spending. Use the full Rainy Day fund to minimize damage to municipali­ties, social services agencies, education and transporta­tion.

⏩ Invest in transporta­tion, re-establish the Transporta­tion Strategy Board and partner with the private sector to implement a congestion-based tolling pilot on I-84, I-91 HOV lanes. Use our ports to move freight by barge to ease congestion and create marine sector jobs.

⏩ Support training and apprentice­ship programs in community colleges and technical schools for advanced manufactur­ing, hospitalit­y and insurance and financial services.

⏩ Develop an integrated approach to workforce developmen­t needs and link education leaders with employers.

⏩ Promote developmen­t to attract and keep the newest generation of workers, like transit-oriented developmen­ts, affordable city living, and increased amenities like bike lanes and greenways.

Creating 200,000 net new jobs is the prism through which we will view all public policy decisions. Every major decision will be made with an eye toward job growth — with a focus on transporta­tion, economic developmen­t and education. On each issue, we will engage directly with employers and other non-government stakeholde­rs to include the perspectiv­es of those who create jobs so we adopt policies that will work for everyone.

We are fiscal conservati­ves, but cutting spending alone is not an honest path to fiscal stability. It is easy to believe only the other guy relies on government programs, not me or my family.

The truth is we all rely on a taxpayer-funded transporta­tion system, public health and safety agencies, and public schools, colleges and universiti­es.

We cannot responsibl­y cut or tax our way out of Connecticu­t’s economic stagnation, but we can grow our way out.

There will be three candidates on the ballot in November but only two choices: to do what we’ve been doing for three decades or to take a different path. Connecticu­t needs a governor willing to pursue public policies based on the quality of ideas no matter where those ideas come from. Only an independen­t governor and lieutenant governor can run state government free of the partisan requiremen­ts each political party places on its elected officials.

The most important policy to pursue over the next four years is a commitment to growing the Connecticu­t workforce.

Restoring fiscal responsibi­lity combined with significan­t job growth is the only path forward.

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Oz Griebel

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