The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Astrograph- Saturday


Look at the broader picture and get involved in events and activities that will help you see life from different angles and prepare you for the future. The insight you gain nowwill encourage you to take action and fight for your rights. Your voicewill be heard.

TAURUS(April20-May20) :

Use your insight and experience to help you navigate yourway through the confusion and uncertaint­y facing you. Trust in your instincts, not in someone else’s.

GEMINI (May21-June20) :

You can bring about change and impress onlookers. A partnershi­p will contribute to your success. Protect your assets. Join forces emotionall­y, mentally and physically, but not financiall­y.

CANCER(June21-July22) :

You’ll be taken advantage of if you believe everything you hear. Take a step back and size upwhatever informatio­n you are given before you agree to get involved.

LEO(July23-Aug. 22) :

Don’t hold back when it comes to personal matters concerning a loved one, children or elders. Speak up and offer suggestion­s to bring about positive change. Romance is encouraged.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) :

Moneymatte­rs, if handled properly, can turn in your favor. Avoid joint ventures and people looking for handouts. Use your intelligen­ce when making decisions that concern your home and personal expenses.

LIBRA(Sept. 23-Oct. 23) :

A short trip or encounter with a friend, relative or someone you can learn from will help you make a decision regarding a partnershi­p or family matter.

SCORPIO(Oct. 24-Nov. 22) :

When dealingwit­h legal, financial or medical issues, use common sense and intelligen­ce. The choices you makewill have a big influence on your future. Take control of your life.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) :

An emotional situation will cause confusion and doubt. Focus on what you can do to make things Do something that brings you joy or that you have been dreaming about for some time. Takingmatt­ers into your own hands and assuming responsibi­lity for your own happiness is favored.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) :

Have a garage sale or make alteration­s at home thatwill add to your comfort or raise the value of your property. Celebrate with someone you love. Romance is encouraged.

PISCES(Feb. 20-March20) :

Emotional deception and misreprese­ntation can be expected. Don’t trust anyonewith secret informatio­n. Take care of your finances and personal paperwork in order to avoid being judged or penalized.

ARIES(March21-April 19) :

A partnershi­p will grow if you share ideas and plans. A trip to visit an old, familiar placewill spark an interest in reconnecti­ngwith someone you miss.

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