The Pilot News

Are you comfortabl­e in your faith?


Reflection­s on Psalm 107

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies. For he has gathered the exiles from many lands, from east to west, from north to south.” Psalm 107:1-3

Everyone has problems and situations that seem that solutions are not noticed at the time of trouble. Why is that so? Well, there could be a number of reasons, but the main one I see is that when people take on responsibi­lities; feeling they have to make decisions by themselves, so they think. However, if they would look to the people they work with or live with plenty of help is there. But they feel it is still a sign of weakness if they ask for help; that may be the biggest problem we face in this life, ourselves.

I am sure most who read my articles each week know what I will share next. A man had a big decision to make. It involved the livelihood of many people. He prayed with diligence to God, “Oh Lord, Father God, I don’t know what to do. Everyone is looking toward me to do something, but I just don’t know what to do. Please help me, Lord. Please!” Almost instantly a solution was found and acted upon. Then the man prayed to God: “Don’t bother yourself with helping me, I just found out what to do.” Go ahead and laugh. This man really didn’t know the power and quickness of God, the answer he was looking came before he finished his prayer. But isn’t that the way most people experience answers to prayer; that they did it?

In this Psalm, there are four groups of people that God helps in their daily struggle: The Wanderer, The Prisoner, The Destressed, and the Storm Tossed. When you read through the rest of this Psalm you will notice what situation each group experience­d and how God improved their situation. As you notice how God answered the prayers of these people, you will notice at the end; each praised God boldly because their situations were so great. They knew without God’s help, their lives would never be the same for God delivered them through certain destructio­n.

One fact to remember as you approach situations in life that are overwhelmi­ng to you, is that you are not alone. God is there at all times to hear the pain and distress in your heart and soul; just waiting for you to say, “Lord help me, I don’t know what to do!” And if it is truly from your heart, just step out of His way; because the love He has for His children He will act quickly. As the Psalm implies, if you are in great distress then you need to praise God loudly and share what he has done for you.

Dear Lord, forgive me for being so self-centered that I feel all answers to my life needs to come from me. Thank you for being good to me and others for your faithfulne­ss is eternal. Help me see your actions in my life and to the world’s problems as your love for us all. Amen

(Dennis Wenzel is a retired ELCA pastor living in the Donaldson area)

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