The Pilot News

Church Briefs


Guest Pianist/preacher at First UMC Service on Facebook

PLYMOUTH - - Rev. Mike Dixon will be the guest speaker and Donna Burroughs is the guest pianist at The First United Methodist Church. We are still working to help people stay connected, safe and faithful. May God Bless You and May God Bless America!

Remember our Sunday’s service live streams on Facebook at 10:30 am and “The Well” at 5 pm each week. If you don’t have “Facebook”, they are also available on Youtube starting Monday mornings. Please join us and tell your friends!


Rev. Mike Dixon’s MESSAGE: “Be A Good Virus” This Sunday, Rev. Mike Dixon will be preaching on Romans 8:1-17. “The weakness of the flesh, the inability of the flesh to kick sin to the curb, is the indictment of the forever failing of our physical life. The redemptive mission of Christ, the one born into flesh but who overcame the sinful weaknesses of physical life, seems to be opposite. At first glance Paul seems old school. Flesh is bad. Spirit is good. But Paul’s message isn’t an either/ or. Instead, Paul recognized that we as human beings are completely BOTH “fish and fowl.”

Congregati­onal Benedictio­n “Go Now in Peace” sing it like you are a member of the Chancel Choir - - you could be ya’ know.

AS WE CLOSE THIS TIME TOGETHER, remember: God is always with you. No matter what you face, no matter what trials or hardships come your way, God is right beside you, raising your very life from death, guiding and directing your path. So, acknowledg­e your fear and your worry and know it is as true and holy as any feeling, including joy and hope and love. Take heart, my friends! This is the heart of the matter. Let the people say, Amen! Based on Psalm: 16

“The Well” Live this Sunday at 5 p.m.

PLYMOUTH - - Yes, folks, “The Well” will be brought to you LIVE, this Sunday at 5:00 p.m, on Face Book.

Join us this Sunday where you can find us on You Tube. Type in: “First United Methodist Church of Plymouth, Indiana” and you will find our channel. Then click on

“The Well”. Cindy’s message this week is titled: “MEEKNESS” Using scripture “The Silent Savior - - Isiah 53:7-9. May God Bless America. Worship music is provided by pianist Thomas Boys.

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