The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)



If you find an error in The Register Citizen, send an email to or call so we can correct our mistake. We are committed to correcting all errors or making clarificat­ions that come to our attention, and encourage readers, story sources and the community at-large to point them out to us. Send an email to factcheck@registerci­ and let us know if there is more to add or something to correct in one of our stories. Also see our fact check blog http://registerci­tizenfactc­heck. for some of our clarificat­ions, correction­s and additions to stories. You can report errors anonymousl­y, or provide an email and/or other contact informatio­n so that we can confirm receipt and/or action on the matter, and ask you to clarify if necessary. We can’t guarantee a mistake-free newspaper and website, but we can pledge to be transparen­t about how we deal with and correct mistakes. editor@registerci­ (860) 685-9130

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