The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Horton’s Holiday Hayride coming to Bridge Street Live next Thursday

- By Domenic Forcella Get the complete Blues Beat schedule on Thursday at the blog http :// blues beat news. word Any questions or comments should be sent to Domenic Forcella at

Tired of boring the holiday party? Then 41 Bridge Street Live in Collinsvil­le is the place to be. Psychobill­y legend, the Reverend Horton Heat, returns on Thursday with his hardrockin­g Holiday Hayride, along with The Blasters and Big Sandy.

True to his high evangelica­l calling, Jim Heath is a Revelator, both revealing and reinterpre­ting the country-blues-rock roots of American music. For 25 psychobill­y years, Jim Heath and Jimbo Wallace of Reverend Horton Heat have blazed an indelible, unforgetta­ble, and meteoric trail across the globe with their unique blend of musical virtuosity, legendary showmanshi­p, and mythic imagery.

The Blasters have spent their lives exploring and expressing the deep and diverse musical legacy that is best described by the title of their first album: “American Music.” For 25 years, Big Sandy has toured continuous­ly and become a torchbeare­r of American roots music.

At the FTC Warehouse: Friday, Southside Johnny & the Asbury Jukes are back with their mighty mix of audience pleasing music. Emerging from the Jersey Shore, “Southside” Johnny Lyon rolled through four decades of gritty, bluesrock hits. They deliver exhilarati­ng, fever pitch performanc­es.

Black-Eyed Sally’s presents acclaimed singer/ songwriter and pianist Grayson Hugh and his band the Moon Hawks on Saturday. Hugh’s piano playing has been called “a veritable cyclone of soul” and his voice has been compared to Sam Cooke and Otis Redding. This performanc­e will feature Grayson’s old friend David Stoltz on bass, along with the rest of the band. Hugh’s music and high energy shows have earned praise from blues, soul and roots rock music critics and musicians alike ever since he burst onto the scene.

Friday it is Vitamin B-3 led by the mighty Hammond B-3, an instrument that all by itself can literally shake the dust off the rafters. Get ready for a volcanic swell, down-anddirty blues wails or soulful gospel chords. Vitamin B-3 plays from classic R&B to southern soul to deep blues and occasional forays into jazz and funk.

The Hungry Tiger has two shows on Saturday. Delusions of Grandeur comes on at 6 p.m. and the George T. Gregory Band takes the stage at 9:30 p.m.

Delusions of Grandeur plays blues and originals. Then, the George T. Gregory Band featuring Greg Baril on lead guitar are doing some legendary blues funk and rock.

On Sunday, the Hungry Tiger hosts a fundraiser for the legendary Buddy Cage. The masterful steel guitar player for the Grateful Dead and the New Riders of the Purple Sage has been troubled by health issues and the Tiger has been chosen to host this fine event from 2 to 9 p.m.

The host band will be the Hungry Tiger All Stars featuring guitar players Jimmy Photon, Larry Willey, John Frisell, and Mike Bloomer. Many more area players will be showing their talents. A compliment­ary buffet is included in the donation.

On Friday, EasyBaby will be playing at MassMutual Center as part of the Falcons Hockey Game (7 p.m.) in Springfiel­d.

Some new venues have come into Blues Beat. On Saturday, Bar Louie in West Hartford has the Front Row Band. Ridgefield’s Sarah’s Wine Bar hosts Shawn Taylor on Saturday.

Over in Branford, the Unfinished Business Blues Band plays E. McHenry’s Irish Pub on Saturday.

As you look for gifts for the holiday season, the blues offers many opportunit­ies. CDs and other media are always welcome. One gift that keeps on giving is a membership in the Connecticu­t Blues Society. You will be helping the blues in the state and open up the door to some great entertainm­ent. You can continue your local support by checking out the state’s blues festival.

The Blues Foundation in Memphis also could use your support. A membership here gives you a vote in deciding who wins at the Blues Music awards.

One of Blues Beat’s favorite organizati­ons is the Music Maker’s Relief Foundation. They do really good work with some of the lesser known heroes of the blues. They have merchandis­e from some astounding artists you may not have heard about.

Don’t forget about a trip to Memphis for the Internatio­nal Blues Challenge and/or the BMAs.

 ?? Contribute­d photo ?? The Coffee Grinders are playing at the Cambridge Brew House this weekend.
Contribute­d photo The Coffee Grinders are playing at the Cambridge Brew House this weekend.

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