The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)



1 “Loser” singer 5 Complain loudly 11 Land unit 12 Mame, for one 13 Tar’s call 14 Troublemak­er 15 Urgent call 16 Valiant one 17 Soccer or softball 19 Atlantic catch 22 Conclude successful­ly 24 Penitent 26 Track shape 27 Nap 28 Factories 30 Cap feature 31 Yellowston­e

grazer 32 Most new drivers 34 Source of bad

luck 35 “My country — of



1 Ram sounds 2 Canyon sound 3 Intersecti­on sight 4 Crucial 5 Cavalry weapon 6 Gallon divisions 7 Fix a mistake 8 Put away 9 Fake locks 10 Gunpowder holder 16 Bound 18 Influence 19 Incidental conversati­on 20 Rice-shaped pasta 21 Fabric worker 22 One or more 23 Demonic 25 Valhalla VIP 29 Suppress 30 Puzzle 33 Door sign 34 Lively dances 36 Inkling 37 Hot 38 Quantity: Abbr. 39 Game cube 40 Gene messenger 41 Great Leap Forward leader

 ??  ?? ACROSS
38 Lacking guidance 41 Put together 42 Enjoy the party 43 TV’s Trebek 44 Movie ad 45 Sanction
ACROSS 38 Lacking guidance 41 Put together 42 Enjoy the party 43 TV’s Trebek 44 Movie ad 45 Sanction

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