The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

How do you hire a family member or friend?


Today, more than one million Medicaid beneficiar­ies choose self-directed in-home and communityb­ased services.

If you or a loved one have a trusted friend or family member who is qualified to provide in-home or community-based care, start by contacting the local health department or Medicaid office to determine Medicaid eligibilit­y and assess the services needed. Once an assessment is completed, you or your loved one can inquire about self-directing services and proceed with hiring.

When self-directing services, the person receiving the services becomes a caregiver’s direct employer. Enlisting a financial intermedia­ry can help you ensure all administra­tive tasks, payroll and taxes are handled seamlessly. GT Independen­ce, for instance, helps approximat­ely 25,000 individual­s in 11 states to manage in-home and community-based services through easy-to-use, accessible, online and mobile services that are 100% HIPAA compliant, allowing caregivers to focus on what really matters: the individual.

For valuable resources about integratin­g self-directed options into a personal care plan, visit Collaborat­ion to Promote SelfDeterm­ination (CPSD) or National Gateway to SelfDeterm­ination (NGSD).

 ??  ?? Understand­ing your caregiver options can provide the freedom for seniors to live at home on their own terms.
Understand­ing your caregiver options can provide the freedom for seniors to live at home on their own terms.

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