Pea Ridge Times

Pea Ridge officials deserve accolades


A spirit of cooperatio­n enhanced the unificatio­n of both city and school officials. A unique project birthed during discussion­s a little over a year ago culminated in a new building housing both city and school offices.

Both city and school are funded by taxes. Both are public entities.

To date, no similar project has been discovered anywhere in the state.

Throughout the year of meeting over plans, funding, etc., public officials have worked together amicably.

Over the past 81 years, Pea Ridge has had one city hall and two school administra­tion buildings.

With the completion of the new joint City Hall/ School Administra­tion building, city officials have moved into the city’s administra­tion’s second location.

City Hall was housed in the downtown building from 1970 until the move to the new building this summer.

This will be the third location for Pea Ridge school administra­tion.

We commend the leaders of both the city and school for their forethough­t and selflessne­ss in providing a project that will outlast them and provide for their progeny.

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