The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Walnut Ave. resident Jackie Sherman cleans up as ‘Cat in the Hat’

- L.A. Parker Columnist L.A. Parker is a Trentonian columnist. Find him on Twitter @LAParker6 or email him at

Early last Wednesday, A sojourn to work.

Some guy cut me off,

I thought “What a jerk”.

Did not flip him off,

As I might in the past.

Thought the last shall be first,

While the first shall be last.

Streetligh­t on Chambers, Remained unrepaired. Made a left onto Walnut And then I just stared. Black woman as kitty.

A broom in her hand, Col-lect-ed garbage. There in great demand.

So she swept and she swept, And she swept and she swept. And this sweeping of things, She looked quite adept. Beer cans and bottles. And plastic? A lot!

Right near a shrine, Where a young man was shot. On mornings, she performs This daily routine.

And her part of Walnut? Always looks clean. No trumpets or headlines Or day with the mayor.

“I just do my thing.”

As a purr-fect team player. You know we can change things,

Make this a great city.

Her eyes spoke a truth,

She smiled, oh, so pretty. Cat obliged a photo,

She let me take two. Then returned to sweeping, And bid sweet adieu. Don’t you want the answer? Or even a clue? Improvemen­t of Trenton Will need me-ew.

 ?? L.A. PARKER - THE TRENTONIAN ?? Jackie Sherman dressed as “Cat in the Hat” during daily morning sweeping ritual on Walnut Avenue in Trenton.
L.A. PARKER - THE TRENTONIAN Jackie Sherman dressed as “Cat in the Hat” during daily morning sweeping ritual on Walnut Avenue in Trenton.
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