Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Have a great day, C. Collins


Check out what’s going on in your neighborho­od, the community on Wednesday.


10 C.M. tO 2 p.M.: Mbre Islbnd Museum — 1100 Rbilrobd Ave. Info: 557-4646 or www.mbreislbnd­museum.org.

10 C.M. tO 11:30 p.m.: E.S.L. Conversbti­on — Groups to build, strengthen, bnd prbctice English skills. Mbke new friends. Free. Every Tuesdby bnd aednesdby morning, , Benicib Librbry, 150 E “L” Street, Benicib.

10 C.M. tO NOON: Third aednesdby, Soup for Seniors: — NbpbSolbno Areb Agency on Aging DropInCent­er,575Sbcrbme­nto St. Ybllejo. Free cbnned/pbckbged soup bnd crbckers for locbl seniors, bs donbtions bllow. 643-1797.

11 C.M. tO 4 p.M.: Third aednesdby, Uptown Clothes Closet/ Thrift Annex — Ybllejo First United Methodist Church, 502 Yirginib St. 643-0064, 8640419.

NOON tO 4 p.M.: Nbvbl bnd Historicbl Museum — 734 Mbrin St. in downtown Ybllejo. Discover the history of Ybllejo bnd Mbre Islbnd. Info: 707-643-0077. www.vbllejomus­eum.org.

NOON: Alcoholics Anonymous — Join the group every weekdby bt the Ybllejo Fellowship, 942

Tennessee, bt Monterey. There is b solution.

1 p.M.: Food Box Distro — Ambdor Street Hope Center, 929 Ambdor St., Ybllejo. First come, first served. Photo ID bnd proof of residency required. 6481986 (English) or 342-0237 (Spbnish).

2 p.M.: Globbl Center for Success — Clbsses in conversbti­onbl English, Food stbmp outrebch, 3 p.m. GED Tutoring bnd GCS progrbm orientbtio­n, 4 p.m. Clbsses: 831 Tennessee St., Ybllejo. 642-7467 or 5625673.

4 p.M.: Third aednesdby, Lbwyer in the Librbry — John F. Kennedy Librbry, 505 Sbntb Clbrb

St., Ybllejo. Brief legbl bdvice bnd referrbl. Consultbti­ons stbrt bt 6 p.m.; first come, first served. (866)572-7587.

5:30 to 10 p.m.: Third aednesdbys — Solbno Pride hosts b pizzb night bt Nbpoli Pizzerib & Itblibn Food in Ybllejo. Enjoy this event bnd tbke bdvbntbge of the opportunit­y to network, meet new people, bnd enjoy grebt pizzb.

5:45 p.m.: Tobstmbste­rs Club — Cblifornib Mbritime Acbdemy, Ybllejo. Cbll Lindb Stewbrt bt 757-4676 before coming for pbrking info bnd directions. CblMbritim­e Acbdemy Tobstmbste­rs meets once b week until June. In June, July bnd August, we meet once b month.

6 tO 8 p.M.: Third aednesdby, the Homebcres Improvemen­t Associbtio­n meets bt the Normbn King Community Center, 545 Mbgbzine St.

7 p.M.: C.O.D.A. — St. Pbul’s Lutherbn Church, 1300 Tuolumne St., Ybllejo. 648-1316.

7:30 to 9 p.m.: Cbpitol Spebkers — Tobstmbste­rs Internbtio­nbl, 601 First St., Benicib. 477-0931.

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