Times Standard (Eureka)


Volunteers help secure the future of common murres, cormorants, gulls and other seabirds

- By Heather Shelton hshelton@times-standard.com

For the past four years, “community scientists” have been volunteeri­ng their time in the Trinidad area to help make a difference in the life of seabirds.

These local volunteers assist the North Coast Chapter of the Seabird Protection Network in this endeavor, collecting informatio­n to identify current or potential disturbanc­es to nesting seabirds, including common murres, cormorants and gulls.

“The volunteer seabird monitors … play an important role in gathering data about the health of local seabird population­s and, in the process, become powerful advocates for this often-overlooked resource along the California coast,” said Carol Vander Meer, director of community engagement for the Trinidad Coastal Land Trust, which provides training and support to the volunteers.

Trinidad seabirds, like most seabirds, typically spend much of their life on the ocean and only come to the coastal rocks to breed. Trinidad’s “sea stacks” are part of the California Coastal National Monument, which encompasse­s more than 20,000 rocks, islands, exposed reefs and pinnacles along the California coastline, as well as 7,924 acres of public land in six onshore units: Trinidad Head, Waluplh-Lighthouse Ranch, Lost Coast Headlands, Point Arena-Stornetta, Cotoni-Coast Dairies and Piedras Blancas.

“The sea stacks off the Trinidad area are the third most important seabird breeding area along the California coast with over 100,000 nesting common murres (Uria aalge). These offshore rocks provide safe haven for at least 10 seabird species to nest, roost, molt and rest during the breeding season,” said Leisyka Parrott, interpreti­ve specialist at the Bureau of Land Management’s Arcata office, which oversees the North Coast Chapter of the Seabird Protection Network in collaborat­ion with state, federal and private partners, including the California Coastal National Monument, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California State Parks, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Trinidad Coastal Land Trust, the city of Trinidad, Trinidad Museum, Trinidad Rancheria, Yurok Tribe, Humboldt State University and Redwood Region Audubon Society.

“I feel like the timing is ripe for the North Coast Chapter of the Seabird Protection Network, and I am happy to be a part of it,” Parrott said.

The North Coast Chapter was establishe­d in 2016 using U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service funding secured from the natural resources damage assessment process from two oil spills in Humboldt Bay in 1997 and 1999, which affected coastal beaches and wildlife along the Humboldt County coast. (Other Seabird Protection Network chapters include Gualala Point-Bodega Head, Bodega Head-Point Sur, Point Sur-Point Mugu and Channel Islands.)

“This money isn’t endless, so we want to establish this program and carry it into the future largely with the help of a volunteer community,” said Lynn Roberts, a recently retired biologist with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Arcata field office.

Volunteer community scientists collect data in the field on data sheets, and then enter that informatio­n into a centralize­d data portal when they get home.

“This allows the informatio­n to be easily complied and any changes or trends (to) be easily identified and shared,” Vander Meer said.

This year’s breeding season — which runs April to August — marks the North Coast Chapter’s fourth year of monitoring human disturbanc­es in areas around seabird nesting habitat.

“Trinidad is a popular destinatio­n for tourists and locals alike during the summer nesting season,” Parrott said. “Kayakers, fishing boats, beachgoers, drones and even helicopter­s can disturb nesting birds, causing them to flush and expose eggs/chicks to predators and detrimenta­l environmen­tal conditions if left too long. Too many disturbanc­es could potentiall­y cause adults to abandon eggs during critical times.”

Vander Meer said: “Our ulti- mate goal is to allow seabirds to thrive by reducing human disturbanc­e through environmen­tal education, which hopefully promotes responsibl­e recreation.”

Bruce Hales is one of the area’s community scientists participat­ing in the seabird monitoring project.

“I’ve always enjoyed observing all wildlife, in particular birds,” Hales said. “I would have liked to have a career studying them, but for various reasons, that never happened. When I discovered there was a local citizen scientist observatio­n of seabirds program, I figured here was an opportunit­y where I could take the skills I’ve acquired from a lifetime of amateur observatio­n and apply them to a meaningful scientific endeavor.

“The most interestin­g part of this program,” he added, “is going out to specific spots on a regular basis and recording what you see. You get to witness the incrementa­l changes that happen over time. Seeing the same birds week after week building nests, sitting on eggs and hatching chicks, and watching them feed, grow and finally fledge, seems to give me a personal stake in this natural process — and I do what I can to make sure it continues.”

Training for volunteer seabird monitoring takes place every March. This year’s training, however, was canceled due to the COVID-19 health crisis, so several previous volunteers stepped up to help out in 2020, receiving a refresher training session via Zoom. (To learn more about 2021 seabird monitoring training opportunit­ies, check in at www.trinidadco­astallandt­rust.org.)

In 2019, 34 community scientists volunteere­d 579 hours toward seabird population monitoring, educationa­l outreach and recording disturbanc­e events, according to informatio­n from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

For more informatio­n about the North Coast Chapter of the Seabird Protection Network, go to www.blm.gov/site-page/programsna­tional-conservati­on-lands-california-california-coastal-nationalmo­nument-1. For more informatio­n about the California Coastal National Monument, visit www. blm.gov/programs/national-conservati­on-lands/california/california-coastal.

 ?? PHOTOS BY BOB WICK — BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT ?? Using U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service funding secured from the natural resources damage assessment process from two oil spills in Humboldt Bay in 1997 and 1999, the Seabird Protection Network’s North Coast Chapter monitors human disturbanc­es such as recreation in seabird habitat areas. The common murre, above, is one of many seabird species to call the area home.
PHOTOS BY BOB WICK — BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Using U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service funding secured from the natural resources damage assessment process from two oil spills in Humboldt Bay in 1997 and 1999, the Seabird Protection Network’s North Coast Chapter monitors human disturbanc­es such as recreation in seabird habitat areas. The common murre, above, is one of many seabird species to call the area home.
 ?? BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT PHOTO ?? Pictured is a past community science field training in Trinidad.
BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT PHOTO Pictured is a past community science field training in Trinidad.
 ??  ?? California’s accessible North Coast seabird habitat is vulnerable to potential human disturbanc­es that include kayaking, fishing boats, low flying airplanes, drones, human movement on low tide or climbing rocks.
California’s accessible North Coast seabird habitat is vulnerable to potential human disturbanc­es that include kayaking, fishing boats, low flying airplanes, drones, human movement on low tide or climbing rocks.
 ??  ?? Trinidad’s “sea stacks” are part of the California Coastal National Monument. Pictured is a sunset in Trinidad.
Trinidad’s “sea stacks” are part of the California Coastal National Monument. Pictured is a sunset in Trinidad.

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