Urban Chickens

Homemade Electrolyt­es


Electrolyt­es added to chickens’ water during times of extreme heat or stress, or during a bout of diarrhea, can mean the difference between life and death. Electrolyt­es are necessary for proper, healthy bodily function and are lost any time fluids are expelled from the body. An imbalance can cause serious health problems. Baby chicks will recover better from the ordeal of hatching and being shipped if you administer electrolyt­es to them for the first few days of life.

You can use plain Pedialyte or mix up a batch of homemade electrolyt­es. Even plain sugar water will help give an ailing chicken or chick a boost of muchneeded energy in a pinch. Here is a simple homemade electrolyt­e recipe that’s easy to mix up. Source: WHO/ UNICEF

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